Allegra expected her mischievous question to get a startled reaction from Adam, or at least cause some kind of unease or discomfort. Something amusing, a way of messing with him. She hardly expected a level-headed and dare she say it, cool response from the sloth boy...
Her smile faded just slightly as he calmly informed her that he had, actually, thought she might be in love with him and was rather disappointed in the reality of the situation. Suddenly the tables had turned and it was now Allegra who was growing confused -- disappointed?? Her eyes narrowed at the side of his expression. Ha! She understood, he was messing with her. It was a joke. A laugh, of some kind. He was doing to her what she had tried to do to him! Of course he wasn't disappointed, it was a joke. Look at them! Friends who joked and laughed and things.
She paused.
It was then that another possibility dawned on the young Ravenclaw. Was he serious?? Was he actually slightly let down at the realization that the kiss wasn't genuine? That would have to mean that he had hoped that...or sort of enjoyed the possibility of her...genuinely kissing him!?!? WITH AFFECTION!? This was a very new concept to the young woman who had only ever gotten compliments from the more charming paintings in the corridors. And something about the way he said it made her feel like it was a compliment of some kind, though one she couldn't quite fathom right now. The mere idea of it sent her into unease. Was he kidding or wasn't he!?
It was then that he set his mug on the table and made his way up the stairs, not before flashing the petite girl a playful smile that only made his comment more difficult to decipher. Perhaps the most deeply unsettling aspect of it, however, wasn't his smile or even his words, but rather the way his words forced some kind of hope to emerge in her that she hadn't been aware she was harboring.
Her brows furrowed and the young woman actually looked rather heart broken as he disappeared up the stairs, away from any questioning that could set her mind at ease. She quickly sat up, ruining her mountain of snowflakes, and set off determinedly to get all of this out of her head. If this was flirtation she wasn't used to it and she didn't like it at all, and most of all she hated herself for even wondering if it was flirtation in the first place. Boys are stupid, they say stupid things that don't mean anything. And she left it at that.