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| Zhenya, Illia, & Mr. Librarian *randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm) SPOILER!!: Zhenya and Illia Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua Zhenya was just trying to shove a few supplies in the pockets of her robes and walk back to Ilia, when another student offered to help her. Zhenya stopped and looked at her with relief. "Yes! Um," she looked around. What needed doing first? "I think I should look at Ilia's leg first and cover that. Could you help me with that?" she asked, and turned to walk back to Ilia, hoping the student had helped. Daisy, she believed her name to be.
Good, Ilia was okay with her looking at her leg. "Daisy here is just going to give me a hand too, I hope that's okay," she added for good measure. Hmm, it looked quite painful. "What happened?" she asked, whilst looking at the cut. She pulled her wand out and pointed it to her hands, changing to do each one, and cleaned them. She wished she had a wound-cleaning potion, although she was reluctant to do anything incase she made it worse.
The saline solution would just help a tiny bit until Healer Murdoch could have a look at it. "I'm just going to dab at it with this wet gauze, then I'll put some fresh wet gauze on and then bandage it, just to keep it a bit more clean and protected until Healer Murdoch gets here," she explained. She took one bit of saline soaked gauze and dabbed it around the outside of the wound to clean some of the blood, then she got a fresh piece and dabbed the cut, just dabbing, to try and clean it a little. Once that was done, she got another few fresh pieces, soaked with saline, and pressed them gently to the cut. "Daisy can I get you to start wrapping the bandage around whilst I hold this gauze in place?" she asked the young lion. She didn't want the gauze to flop off. "How's that feeling Ilia?" she asked, hoping it wasn't painful. She tried to be careful. Quote:
Originally Posted by VRSCIKA Zhenya was back with another girl and she was going to look at her leg too....."Whatever you need to do or have me do." She complied and sat still as the older snake examined her. What happened? She got chewed on by an eight-legged freak. She looked down at her leg silently for a moment before speaking, recalling the scene in her mind.....her rage...."While I was fighting the acromantula's, I wasn't fast enough and one got ahold of my leg before I could.....get it off." What she meant, was actually getting her spell fired off, though it didn't sound like that was her meaning. Making the spider explode to bitty pieces was technically getting it off of her as well.....
The sensation of the wet gauze was both refreshing and.....somewhat painful. The cleansing sting, the shocking cool.....she knew her leg needed it but.....oww. She did her best not to wince at the sensation, knowing that Zhenya was trying to be gentle. How did it feel? Like it got slashed with a meat cleaver and then had salt rubbed into the wound.....oh wait... She did her best to keep her expression stoic and nodded. "Like a leg....or at least I think so." She smiled best she could as she said it. She was trying to amuse and comfort Zhenya as she felt her one eye twitch with the pain. She wasn't going to let herself cry or cry out though. Nope. Not her. She would stay strong so that Henric and Adi wouldn't be upset. Daisy smiled. Somebody finally wanted her help. And her first task? Bandaging up something. Daisy was good with bandages. She’d had to help the healer with dragon burns all the time back home. “Right away,” she said giving a mock salute before taking the bandage from the older girl’s hands. SPOILER!!: Librarian Kitridge Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch […]Leo was so focused on his wand that Cassie's voice sounded unnaturally loud to his hears as she bounded over to him and asked about the state of his fingers. Slightly startled he looked down at his reddened fingers before he looked up at Cassie suddenly a bit worried. "I don't know. They weren't red minutes ago." "It's possible that the spider nipped me when it attacked my wand." Leo admitted before he reached out to pat Cassie's hand gently. "It wasn't your fault. And if you hadn't reacted as fast as you did then I might have gotten more bites then just those on my fingers. I'll show Cece later." He wasn't going to let her blame herself for the actions of a vicious creature. Daisy waited patiently forZhenyato clean the wound so she could bandage it. She wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but even-so she overheard the librarian talkinga bout his hands. “Um,” Daisy said tugging on Zhenya’s sleeve once the girl was done cleaning up the other Slytherin’s wound. “I think Mr. Librarian needs some assistance.” Zhenya was, after all the one with the triage list. If nothing else, she could add his name so that Nurse Murdoch could get to him when she had time. Mr. Librarian wasn’t treating the wound as serious, so Daisy didn’t think it was all that bad. If nothing else, it was probably a lot like the red, itchy bumps she herself had gotten. BUT! If it were bites, well… “Keep an eye on him for dizziness, nausea, um,” what else had she and the other girls’ had? “Fevers, Headaches… In fact,” she said bending down to wrap the girl’s leg with the bandage. “We should watch everyone on your list for those symptoms. I and a couple other girls were bit a week ago by the spiders – we all had those symptoms. It was not fun.”
Daisy now turned her attention to Illia. “Well,” she said as she carefully rolled the gauze around the girl’s leg. “You seem in rather chipper spirits, considering.” It was a good thing, as Daisy wasn’t sure how she’d be able to handle a girl that was crying or hysterical. “You’ll be good in no time once Nurse Murdoch can have a look at you. She’s good you know,” Daisy was chatting in an attempt to keep the girl calm and her mind off what Daisy was doing. “She healed my friend’s broken leg last year and it was a pretty nasty break. He was back on it in a week.”
Last edited by Krel Ansell; 08-07-2015 at 12:33 PM.
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