♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Awww, Henric was wishing her a happy birthday. That was very nice of him. "Thank you! My birthday was June 1, so no worries." She gave a small smile when Adi told him that it was actually her belated birthday. Well, it was the thought that counts.
With the present finally unwrapped, Lux reached over the counter and gave her friend a hug. She didn't care if she was supposed to or not; it was still happening. "Thank you, Adi! And you are older than me." Eyeroll. "But I can't wait to meet him. Since I'm not coming back next term, I hope I get to spend a lot of time with him." Even if Willa didn't let her babysit, she could still see her nephew.
Talk turned to the water plunge thing, and Lux shook her head. "I'm terrified of heights. Is is connected to the lake? I promised Bay that I wouldn't swim in the lake." So no water for her between the heights and the promise. Didn't mean that she wasn't enjoying being out in her swimsuit though. And she could eat! "So what would you recommend?" she asked Adi as her stomach growled. She needed something in her belly ASAP! |