Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh Ilia smiled at Henric's enthusiasm. She was glad that he was right back to being her best friend. To help combat the dark imprint that the spider ordeal had left on her, she needed the brightness of her friends and the comfort of the familiar way they were.
Food.....well she would want to look and see what they had to offer. There could be different things to try. She wasn't used to some of the normal food they had here until recently, different foods were becoming more interesting to her. The slide, she saw the huge brightly colored structure and she could see why Henric was so excited about it. She wanted to give it a try as well, though she didn't have the same energy that he did.
Wait, were his cheeks red? She ignored it as he coughed though and giggled a little as he made his announcement. Onward was right and off they went with Benny not far behind. |