Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia Quote:
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
Benzi was VERY READY for this event. After a rather horrific yet equally pretty cool year back at Hogwarts - he'd be lying if he said he hadn't expected it - the seventeen year old was greatly looking forward to a little winding down with some sun, a huge slide and seeing fellow Hogwartians in BEACHWEAR. Well done, prefects. Well done.
Perhaps this might make Wallace more excited about the boot camp Benzi will be forcing upon him all summer.
Quickly dumping his things in a locker, Benzi stepped out in the magically created Caribbean paradise dressed in his swimming trunks, flip flops and sunglasses. He took a moment to take it all in then naturally, headed for the food. He'd had a very light lunch today and was STARVING, so food first then digest then SLIDE.
... And it seems like he had made a very good call. Grinning as he spotted Evie, Benzi quickly and silently made his way over so that he was standing just behind her, careful to not quite reveal himself just yet. Naturally, she looked amazing. Amusing himself, he took a few small steps forward and leaned in right by her ear. "I've heard the avocado is excellent this time of year." Heheheheh. It all looked so good. It was hard to choose which items she wanted to try. It wasn't unlike Evie to eat everything that was laid out for her, but that was because she was usually hiding behind a table and a pile of robes in the great hall. Today she was outside and in a BIKINI. If she had a food baby, people would KNOW.
Honestly, she didn't care that much. She loved food too much.
Evie was SO CLOSE to making a decision about food and drink AND dessert. She was focused and completely unprepared for a certain boy to creep up behind her and scare the nargles out of her. The sudden voice in her ear made her squeal in shock, her arms FLAILED as she jumped. Before she realized who it was, she felt her elbow jab into the stomach of the culprit. "BENZI!" she gasped when she finally turned around to see whose pancreas she punctured. WHYYYY? Of ALL the people of Hogwarts, she had to injure the most attractive one. "You scared me!" Clearly. Obviously. |