Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh It had been a long.....long....long....long....long year. Too long in Ilia's opinion. This was her first end of term at Hogwarts, she had heard that they normally did an end of term feast, much like they had done at the start of the term. It seemed , however, that the prefects had a little something else in mind. Not that this was a bad thing. She did as suggested and wore swim wear underneath her black attire of jeans, boots, and a long sleeve shirt.
Trying not to think of eight legged freaks coming out of nowhere to spread webs around, she opened a locker in which to place her satchel......and she guessed her clothes... She would need her towel and there was no way she would be removing her wand.......but swimwear would look more acceptable at least.
Feeling jumpy, she decided to wait for her best friend though and pulled out her cover up skirt for after changing. She scanned around for webs or crawlers once more......just to be sure..... |