PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main(): Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahlooo Naturally, she headed straight for the food.
It had been a long term. Long and... rather dangerous, toward the end. But she had survived and healed well after seeing the healer for her spider bite. It was time to celebrate! Time to kick back and relax and enjoy the SUN and some good FOOD and have FUN with her friends and classmates.
After dropping her things off in one of the lockers, Evie headed out to the party in her two piece bathing suit with a tropical, floral-ish beach wrap (didn't want to blow away too many boys and girls with her fine figure this early in the game, you know) wrapped around her waist. Her bare toes walked on the warm grass towards the best part of the party. THE FOOD. She paused to look at the menu and considered all the options; most of which she had never tried before. Hmm, what to try first... Benzi was VERY READY for this event. After a rather horrific yet equally pretty cool year back at Hogwarts - he'd be lying if he said he hadn't expected it - the seventeen year old was greatly looking forward to a little winding down with some sun, a huge slide and seeing fellow Hogwartians in BEACHWEAR. Well done, prefects. Well done.
Perhaps this might make Wallace more excited about the boot camp Benzi will be forcing upon him all summer.
Quickly dumping his things in a locker, Benzi stepped out in the magically created Caribbean paradise dressed in his swimming trunks, flip flops and sunglasses. He took a moment to take it all in then naturally, headed for the food. He'd had a very light lunch today and was STARVING, so food first then digest then SLIDE.
... And it seems like he had made a very good call. Grinning as he spotted Evie, Benzi quickly and silently made his way over so that he was standing just behind her, careful to not quite reveal himself just yet. Naturally, she looked amazing. Amusing himself, he took a few small steps forward and leaned in right by her ear. "I've heard the avocado is excellent this time of year." Heheheheh.
__________________ yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____  _____________I could still change the end |