~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Ahhh! Maisie! She was still out cold. "Will she be okay? Did the spiders get her?'' Adi fired the questions to the man (Mordred) who seemed to be in charge of getting the shopkeeper back there to the Great Hall.
Adi had not missed Ilia and Henric too. "You two alright?" He gave Ilia a hug and then one to Henric. Henny was safe, yo! And so were Culloden and Yoongi. He flashed the two a small smile and beckoned Yoongi over. Why was he so far off? Then he was being distracted by Zhenya. Oh goody! She was safe too! Did that mean everyone was okay? He still didn't see AJ and Marsha. "I'm okay. Aren't I your tough buddy?" Adi grinned but now that she had mentioned it, he realised his head was pounding. Heh. In all the fuss, he hadn't realised. He had actually walked off before he heard what was said by his Snake friend.
"She did? That's a good idea on her part.'' The Hufflepuff went back over to Lux. He frowned at the panicked look on her face. Was it caused by him about to leave her? "I'm here.'' He hugged her again, mentally cursing the spiders with colourful vocabulary. "You ready?'' Had she drunk enough water? Adi was ready to help her get to the Healer with Zhenya's help.
And THERE was his Head of House.
What drama would unfold now?
Last edited by FearlessLeader19; 08-04-2015 at 02:44 PM.
Reason: adding Mordy and Maisie ^_^