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Old 08-03-2015, 09:17 PM   #119 (permalink)

Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 3,402
Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh

Ilia held her wand steady, glad that she had not needed to use more than some defensive spells and backing up the professors. Her people meant more than revenge did and it seemed like they had everyone back together. The Head Mistress was safe thankfully, their 'Queen' chess piece was returned. Could they stick her closer to the middle for safe keeping? She was particularly important in the young snakettes perception and she didn't want to let her sight off of the beautiful red haired adult.

Professors Dakest and Culloden executed a fire pit / wall to help and more spiders were running scared from something in the castle. The eight legged freaks were on the retreat and she had her people close by, no more scathed than when she left them.....bleak future was starting to clear up a little.

Still on guard, she kept close to Henric, Professor Dakest, and whoever the fainted witch on his back was. The least she could do was make sure nothing tried to back attack one of her teachers. With running backwards and on one leg that had seen better days she thought she kept pretty good pace. Back towards the castle and hopefully her head of house could fix her best friends arm.
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