Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Not a game. Not a game. Mordred's words rang inside Ethan's head as he emerged from the Great Hall and saw the scene before him. His skin crawled at the moving black mass. Gripping his wand tighter under his cover, he moved and mimicked the movement of the snake and started to throw stunning spells at the vulnerable arachnids closest to him.
He moved in further, slithering amongst his fellow 'snakes'', and was quick to cast another stunning spell at the giant spider that...was thrown at him? His spell had hit it squarely, sending it back to the hard wall with a dull thud. Ethan was quite surprised at the strength of his non-verbals. Was it because his spells were thickly laced with anger and spite for the creatures? Well, they did take Gregoire's life last term, so it was just right to get even. In fact, this...their stunning spells aren't really enough.
Ethan re-grouped with the rest of the Snake party, assessing the situation as he sandwiched himself in between the stunners. One lone spider caught his attention. It looked like it was bleeding profusely, slash, wetting its pants out of fear while...holding a turkey? Huh. Eccentricity seems to be innate in each and every single one of them, including the humans. "Professors? Friends? Countrymen? We have a situation." Ethan nudged the camouflaged body beside him HOPING it was a professor underneath, and pointed his wand at the cutespider that was glued on its spot.
__________________ "It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale. |