Primpernelle's Parlour  As you appear in the shop, you find yourself in a parlour with comfortable looking chairs and tables throughout, with the look of a 1950’s beauty salon. With vibrant colours throughout the room, self-pouring tea sets sit on each table, with hair-style magazines and colour swatches for manicures and pedicures. Sit and relax here until you are called to begin your day at the spa or to have your hair done!
Have you chosen what you would like for your hair style? Were you wanting to match your hairstyle to show Gryffindor House Spirit or perhaps to support your Quidditch team at the next game? Pick up one of the mirrors that are laying on the tables and tell it precisely what you want. These mirrors will show you what you will look like once your hair is styled or what your personalized makeover will look like! Don’t forget to bring this mirror with you when your name is called!