It seems much cleaner down this end of the castle than it had been earlier in the term and Professor Glendower go up early today just to make sure her classroom was lesson ready. In fact, if you listen really closely you just might hear her humming to herself as she gets things ready for class to start.
Of course the familiar sign outside the door greets you as you arrive, but the inside of the room looks quite a bit different than what you might be used to as you walk inside. Instead of the desk-arm chairs, squishy bean-bag chairs are arranged circularly in the middle of the room. Off to the side is a table full of snacks - several varieties of elf-baked cookies as well as cups of hot chocolate and pumpkin juice. Professor Glendower is standing nearby, prompting you to help yourself before you take a seat for the last History of Magic class of term.
OOC - This class will be officially starting later today and will run through the next few days. My limited internet with moving the last week made it necessary to push the class back a little more towards the end of term and so there will be no homework, but it should be fun one