Join Date: Jul 2011 Location: Gallifrey
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| Search + Rescue Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<# SPOILER!!: Dakest Quote:
Originally Posted by Tazenhani My my, but weren't they an eager bunch? Not that he could particularly blame them, but it was slightly concerning. They did remember what it was like to be swarmed by gigantic spiders, didn't they? Perhaps not. Perhaps the thought of saving their friends overshadowed the memory of fear and helplessness. A way not to feel helpless.
If their friends were still alive....
The thought turned Sabel's stomach, and he let out a breath. More like a huff, that came right after Rehman asked if they were ready to go, a sentiment echoed by Henric. "Soon enough, I'm sure. Everyone in the hall needs to know what they are doing, and be ready, before we take a step." So yes, they were going to have to wait.
Perhaps they could discuss....
His attention went to Yoongi, even as he felt the Brown push back up against his side. He blinked at the boy for a moment before laughing. "I'll do my best to remember not to. Simple terms then. Nothing too technical." The kid got a clap on the shoulder again.
And then, because laughing felt good and Merlin knew how stressed they all were about what had come and what was to come, Sabel rested his opposite elbow on top of Sophie Brown's head. She was the perfect height for an arm rest, and he did it with a good natured expression. A bit of normalcy among the chaos. A brief reprieve if they could. A return to normal thoughts, from heroic tendencies. Hopefully, maybe. "I do hope you all remembered to clean your ears this morning. Need good listeners today." In other words, listening and obeying would be happening, and there was no argument about it, no matter how light-hearted it was said.
His gaze slipped over to Marsha, who was being carefully craddled and carted around by Rehman. It brought the flicker of seriousness back and he hesitated. "Rehman, I understand you wish to come, to look for your friends, but bravery exists in every choice here." His gaze caught on the young girl, Angel, who had stopped by to beg to help. A heavy look, a meaningful one. "If you can protect just one person, that is a world of help. Even if it's staying here, to make sure the younger ones are safe. To make sure we have a safe place to return to."
But he wouldn't stop Rehman. Valentine, maybe, due to her age. But not Rehman. He understood all too well the motivators behind the emotions and decisions that were going on today. Not all would be logical, and not all needed to be.
Even as he thought as much, the Ministry made a proud appearance as the undeniable voice of logic. Sabel couldn't help wincing slightly as he withdrew his elbow from atop Brown's head and turned to face Cole. The man got a small smile of recognition. He'd seen him around the ministry, here and there. He didn't recognize the woman that stopped beside him. "I think, Mr. Knight, you'll have an easier time convincing the acromantulas to surrender." His smile was tight, bearing no amusement. "I agree with your sentiment, both of you, and were there a decent choice and better times, none of us would ask students to get involved. But the truth is, we need all the help we can get. Unless you happened to bring the whole ministry with you?"
A bad joke? Ill timed? Probably, but he held onto his point. And the fact that these students were ready to give their all, for someone else. Foolishly or not, it was admirable. "I'm sure that as long as those who have presently volunteered listen and obey orders, being capable as they are, nothing ill will come of their involvement."
However, there was also no denying that the Ministry had a point. He nodded slowly. "That being said, I do agree that the younger ones could be of much better use here. Those younger minds and bodies often have fuller imaginations and can fit into tighter crawlspaces. Perhaps," his gaze drifted across the young 'uns in the group, landing on Marsha and Angel, "they would prove indispensable with the charm and securing our home once again."
He wasn't an idiot. None of the Professors were. But sometimes life required risks, and when it did, even if they were worrisome, it was important to speak with confidence. If the students heard he, or the other Professors, didn't have confidence in them, how would they really fair when it came down to what they all had to do?
Zhenya listened to everything that was going on in the Great Hall. So much. For the most part, she remained quiet, listening to everything, observing everything, deciding what to do. What would she be the best for?
She listened to each Professor; Dakest with search and rescue, Quigley with the charmers, and Airey with those remaining to defend the castle. Where would her own knowledge come in handy most?
After a few moments, she made up her mind. She walked over to Professor Dakest. "Professor I wish to join you for search and rescue," she said confidently. Of course she was scared, but she was certain everyone was. Giant spiders? But their Headmistress and fellow students were relying on them to save them. The more wands, the better. Besides, as a seventh year, Zhenya knew she was old enough to volunteer her assistance.
__________________  EVASIVE | RESTLESS | MISUNDERSTOOD always on the move |