There was STILL too much going on.
On top of his peers and the school professors, several more adults were now flooding into the Great Hall. Where did
they come from?...Who had summoned them? Were they here to smuggle safety? If there was a secure way in...surely, there was also a secure way out.
Why were they....planning to fight again? Why weren't they running? And hiding? And....and saving what lives weren't already lost?! How long had it been already? Hours?
Several hours?!...Both the Headmistress and Noel Wallace were most likely dead. Eaten. Ripped apart...and...Merlin...
The Great Hall was beginning to slowly spin around him, forcing the Ravenclaw to slam his eyes shut. There was some doubling over, as he gasped for breaths. He suddenly felt very overwhelmed, which was more crushing than his fear. If that made sense. It was more intense...and the over-thinking, accompanied by the loud noises, shouting, rushing only made everything seem more severe.
He couldn't handle this room.
When were they leaving this room?
So engrossed in his own mind was he, that Gabriel didn't even notice
Clara. Not at first, anyway. After
Eden retook his hand, it seemed to snap him back into focus...and he glanced around, eyes owlish. This was really happening. They were preparing to fight. the hell were they thinking?! THIS WASN'T LOGICAL!
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
The man headed for the door to the Great Hall, trusting those that had volunteered would be right behind him. "What we'll need to do is cast this charm on any and all entrances. It'll take focus and concentration. Leave no windows or doorways unchecked. We need these creatures believing without a doubt that they are face to face with their worst nightmare and that'll take intent and imagination. Now listen closely." As he spoke, he pressed his ears to the door, trying to pick up anything with their over-sensitivity. From what he could tell the coast was clear. "I'll take this one, by means of a demonstration. The incantation is 'Sentio Somnium' and you'll make a circular motion in the direction of the object you want charmed."
Maddox cautiously pulled the door open, just a little then all at once. "Everyone out, I don't want you walking through this door after I've cast it, not yet anyway." They'd have to when they fell back to help protect the castle. The man waited a moment for them to step through before drawing his wand and casting. "Everyone clear on that?"[/COLOR]
Being securely attached to Eden Mcgee, Gabe had been tugged through the massive door...and only noticed after the fact that they were no longer standing in the hall...
Gabriel...hadn't realized they would be.....would be NOT in the Great Hall...
Looking around wildly, he, VERY hard to put on a brave face. Beside him, Eden was muttering the spell....
Was he scared?
Yes, he was.