Quiggles' team. A Poop * k8 *
Eden was all about the charming life. Well, like, she normally got Charms pretty well...for the most part. It reminded her of that one time Cutty had cast the same charm on her----
She quickly shook that memory out of her head because it had been...a truly shiny moment in their relationship, and it made her tummy feel weird, like a mixture of happy and sad at the same time. Meh.
Grabbing Gabe's hand again, Eden stepped closer to Quigley and listened closely to the directions. So they were about to...get into action. All right then. "Sentio Somnium..." she whispered to herself. Normally, in class, she'd be quite nervous about getting the spell right, but right now...she just really focused on saving the castle! For Bunz! For Lux and Cinna and the rest of them! Her confidence wasn't shaken a bit--which was good, too. She squeezed Gabe's hand to reassure him--oh, she knew he'd be good at this, Wasn't he good at everything?
So now..she waited for Quigley's cue to go ahead and get started.