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Old 07-23-2015, 06:21 AM   #30 (permalink)

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Allegra watched with wide eyes as the board reflected a new point leader. Of course, Serina had earned points for her rescue of the kitchen, but she hadn't expected her to get fifteen! That was a full ten more than the rest of the group, not to mention Leo's score in the negatives. She knew he wouldn't be true competition and yet she had hoped he might at least provide more of a buffer between her and Serina. The young Ravenclaw let out the quietest sound of exasperation before sharing a look with Adam, immediately knowing the same disappointment was on his own mind.

Watching Serina bask in her glory was enough to make Allegra want to barf on the already catastrophe-stricken kitchen. It was only when Serina forced her way into the center of the room, brushing Adam away and tying on an apron that Allegra seemed to remember that she was standing on the counter tops. Suddenly the height appeared to be an issue for the small young woman who had only climbed the massive height (approximately 3 and a half feet, max) in the face of emergency. Now, the getting down aspect was all too intimidating for her. The smallest, high pitched noise emerged from her lips as her eyes widened and she paced back and forth atop the counters. She had a feeling that if she didn't get down soon, Serina might push her off, and the added pressure seemed to only amplify her anxiety.

It was around this time that Leo found a foot poking his shoulder and he glared vaguely at the source of it. The adventure had been fun, now that it had ended safely, but his body now ached of hunger and exhaustion and he wanted to sleep more than anything else. He was just getting up as a tiny high pitch hit his ears, and he looked around, expecting to find an alarm or something going off. Was the fire alarm having issues because of the fire? It was then that he realized the steady noise was emerging from the tiniest being in the room -- Allegra.

"What's wrong with the bird?" he asked the room, pointing at the Ravenclaw as if she couldn't hear him speaking about her. Allegra responded with a soft glare and a stomp of her foot, pointing incessantly down towards the floor. Now that her high pitched squeaking had stopped, Leo seemed to lose his interest and let out a sigh. "Listen, babe, you're gonna have to start using human speech if you want any help." He gave her the opportunity to open her mouth and use words, but Allegra's mouth was zipped shut in a tight, tiny frown. The young, self-absorbed man seemed unable to recognize that Allegra was trying to communicate her desperate fear of heights, even the slightest of heights, and her desire for help down off the counter. She knew that the Gryffindor boy could easily offer her a hand, and yet he wasn't -- either he was an idiot or cruel.

The answer was clear in the way Leo shrugged, his brows furrowed as he let out a sigh. The poor boy was an idiot. Or, well, perhaps he wasn't a true idiot, but the exhaustion from the day had worn him out and he was practically asleep already. In the next moment he had given up, leaving the room in favor of a nap.

Allegra's eyes widened and the high-pitched sound began yet again, a distress call a small bird might make. She turned to the rest of the room, panic stricken at being so near to Serina's kicking feet, and finally landed her eyes on Adam. Honestly, it was as if no one had seen a mute girl with a fear of heights before!
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