Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite Given the severity of the situation, Maddox was going to pretend that these students were all being serious with their suggestions but were simply misguided in their concepts of what acromantulas were and what it took to scare them away. Luckily there were those with the bright and shining answer of 'a basilisk' because that was essentially what they would need.
And thank you Bellaire for the oh so reassuring statement about their missing ones being near spider food if nothing else. The children would love that. "No worries, this'll work. We exhaused all 'maybes' and 'what ifs' remember?" A bloody long day that had been too.
He focused his attention to those gathered in the Great Hall once more, sighing internally at the ache ringing through his own ears. "Basilisk, precisely. We are going to give those acromantulas a reason to bolt so far into the forest even they'll get lost. How are we going to do that some of you," Ravenclaws, "might ask? Simple." This was where the silencing of the walls earlier had come in. No need to have their enemy hearing the game plan. "We're going to make them believe we've really got one roaming the castle again. From what I've heard, some of you are well aware of the Daydream Charm, the one that can makes others think things are real when they aren't. It'll take proper placement and good casting but that's what we'll do. Professor Bellaire will handle the snake skin transfiguration should we need to be anymore convincing than we already are."
There was a moments pause as things began being shouted across the room, even some things at him. "Yes, brilliant idea. Stunning is an option, a very useful one and so would outright blasting these buggers if they refuse to fall back. What we ask might be a little hard for some of you but this is where we need everyone to be brave. That being said, we'd like volunteers to assist with spreading the charm as far as possible, going on the offensive with these spiders and some for a little search and rescue."
This was where people started being overly selfless and throwing themselves at the opportunity to help solve the infestation problem in the case some missed the memo or wanted to die.
__________________ Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________ 
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said. |