Thread: The Great Hall
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Old 07-20-2015, 02:01 PM   #50 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bennett Potter
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Atlas Ward
First Year
Default Yoongi, Adi and AJ
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori

SPOILER!!: Adi, Yoongi and AJ
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
No, his buddy wasn't fine. It was now that Adi was really looking closely at Henric, he noted that something was wrong with Henric's arm. Of course the other guy wouldn't have said anything... especially not now with Ilia gone. "Um, Mr Kittridge? Henric's arm is injured. Could you take a look at it, please?" Adi didn't tell Henric what he had done because his friend would have refused flat out to let anyone take a look at it. And just where was everyone? Couldn't they hurry this along? Who knows how long Ilia would be... nooooo, positive thoughts!

Adi's brown eyes found Torie and Chris. Was Chris crying? Awwh. "Torie, if Chris doesn't want to go to the Ravenclaws, he can stay with us.'' Chris didn't seem to want to go with his House because he was still standing there and the sixth year didn't mind him staying with the Hufflepuffs since Torie probably could use his buddy by his side and vice versa. Speaking of Torie... there was James! Adi couldn't help but crack a smile. Look at the brotherly love!

That familiar accented voice that was Yoongi. Puck and Zander weren't there yet? Where the heck were they? GOSH! Adi hoped nothing had happened to them. "Sure, Yoongi. I'm sure those two will be here any second. They are probably ensuring the rest of Gryffindor gets here safely." Yesss, that had to be it. Before he could say anymore, he caught sight of a small figure running the short distance to him. Adi looked down to see Marsha clinging to him. She must be so scared. Instinctively, Adi reached down to lift her up. She was sooooo little that it was super easy to do. "Hey, don't be scared, okay?" The Hufflepuff hugged his friend to his chest, giving her a squish. Squishes/hugs were the best!
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
”This whole thing is crazy” he said the the Hufflepuff Prefect and looked at the still closed doors of the Great Hall. He could already imagine the spiders crawling through it. He shivered at the thought. ”Is this normal here or something?” serious question that one was.

His eyes were wider with fear and he was breathing heavier than normal. He was still battling the instinct to run and hide in a corner or stay. He chose to stay though because he felt more comfortable in a group. ”I hope no one dies…” he mumbled. ”Especially not Professor Dakest…if he does…it would be my fault won’t it? I ran to him for his help. I know he would have fought anyways but if something happens to him I’ll forever feel like I’m responsible and …”He threw his worries out and when he was done the Gryffindor shrieked when he felt a tuck on his robe.

THE SPIDER GOT HIM!! Why had Adi not said a warning? WAS HE IN LEAGUE WITH THEM!?

But it turned out that the *spider* was just a little first year. A Gryffindor judging by her clothes and he vaguely remembered seeing her sorting. What was her name again? Eh..he couldn’t remember. But she wanted to stay with him? Really? Him? He was freaking out over here. Of course he would do his best to protect her but …”Hey, sure you can. If anything happens just stay close “ This wasn’t his job even. Where were the Prefects? They weren’t….no …no they weren’t. Silly Yoongi.

He watched the young Gryffindor he seriously needed to remember her name as she clinged to Adi. Yoongi smiled at the sight and then when Adi lifted her up he raised an eyebrow. Prefect is stronger than he looks apparently.
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
WHOA. Talk about an awesome attack on some spiders. Too bad they couldn't hold their own. She was still trying to understand how they had managed to lose two people in their ranks. Really it made sense though. They had taken out way more spiders than the spiders had snatched humans. AJ just hoped they would be okay. Too bad Quigley wouldn't let them march after them.

As she made her way into the great hall she noticed several students and professors already gathered, but where was everybody at? Where were all the Gryffindor's? If they went on a spider mission without her she was going to be SO mad.

Yoongi was there, and that was literally the only lion she saw, so she went over to him. "Did I miss something?" Because Zander wasn't even here, and something seemed off. Oh, there was another lion. Hey, guys.

Marsha nodded to Yoongi. ”Thank you… I just don’t know what to do.” She had told him before she moved to Adi. She knew Adi, knew he would try his best to protect her. As always, he was a good one to be with… right? And his girlfriend AJ was a Gryffindor… so she would likely join them right? Actually - where was Angel? Angel would surely come join them if Angel was here too… right?

Where were all of her friends?!?!

OH! Good. Adi didn’t seem angry at the hug, in fact he was making it better. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and CLUNG to him as if her life depended on it. Heck, it might as well. She was under half the height of those spiders and she didn’t think that that meant they couldn’t see her… just that it would be easier for them to get to her.

”I’ll try… I’m a Gryffindor, I should be being brave right now.” She said into his neck, not looking around any more - it was too depressing to see so many missing faces… Oh… that was AJ.. AJ’s voice she was sure of it. She turned her face slightly to see AJ standing by Yoongi. ”Hi… is Angel okay? I can’t see her.” She frowned again, still clinging to the muuuuch taller Adi.
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