Text Cut: Jay and Chris
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What in Merlin's name was going on? James had been happily sat in a rarely used corridor and had been doing his homework. Nothing disturbed him there until a lot of people had rushed past and urged him to go to the Great Hall. He had his wand in his hand even though he wasn't quite sure how to use it right now, nor what he was supposed to be using it ON. His books were clutched to his chest and there was a slightly suspicious line of dribbled ink following him where he hadn't put the lid back on properly because he'd been hurrying.
The first year entered the Great Hall looking pretty calm and just looked around with interest. His blue eyes found the Hufflepuff prefect and then his brother who looked very unsettled. Jay happily approached them and put his books down. "What's a kid gotta do to get his homework done in this place?" He was completely oblivious to what was going on. "I was just about to write back to mum! She said something about being careful." he shrugged and slid the letter over to Torie. That was when he really saw his face. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked, suddenly concerned.
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Chris looked up as he heard the tall Prefecty guy say all Ravenclaws over there and just shook his head. Yeah. Nope. That wasn't happening. "I'm not going over there, Tor...." He was going to sit right here and if he got in trouble then so be it. Surely someone would see the blue robes and just count him off.
He lifted his head off of Torie and wiped his eyes just in time to see James come up babbling on about something dealing with homework. "Do we look okay?!" he hadn't meant to yell but he had mainly because no one but Torie seemed to care about Chris right now. He probably would've been dragged off by the spiders had Tor not pulled him along making him run.
He nodded at Chris' words. He didn't blame him, and Torie wasn't getting up and leaving his side either. Torie felt safe there on the bench, almost in the center of the hall. The spiders were outside those doors somewhere... "I'm not going over there either" he said shaking his head. He needed to find out about Jay but he wasn't leaving Chris either.
He nearly flew through the roof when Jay appeared and tackled him the moment he realized it was him, giving him a huge hug. He'd feel bad in a minute he was sure because he probably had just pushed Chris away but his brother was safe! "You're safe, you weren't eaten by the spiders!" he managed to get out all in one gasp. Yeahhh, Chris was right, they uhh didn't look okay. Uhhh explanation... "Weweredowninthedungeonsexploringwhensomespidersst artedchasingusandsuddenlythisvoiceappeared" he managed to get out all in one breath. "Weranforitandendedupintheentrancehallandmorespide rsweretherewegotsomeshieldsandaprofessor" Intake of air... "pickedmeupandthrewmeoverhershoulderandranforthegr eathallandhereweare." Yep, just like that...