Post 3 dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
OK. This time the spell was going to work and Janellle would free herself from this adhesive prison. She took several deep breaths to calm herself down and get her focus. Then she concentrated on what she was about to do and what she wanted the result to be.
She was a witch. She had magic on her side. She could undo this. She was in control, or at least she would be when she got off of this blasted chair. Janelle had a sudden thought. If she said "Finite" would that end the spell and release her from the chair. She was almost tempted to try it, but thought better of it.
Getting back into her "I am a witch and I've got skills" zone, Janelle prepared herself to repeat the spell. "I can do this, I can do this", she thought to herself. Raising her wand, she directed it toward the sticky spot. Then summoning all of the concentration that she could muster, she said the incantation. "Avexis!"
Janelle was almost afraid to move because if the spell hadn't worked, she was going to have a full on 13 year old meltdown right in Charms class. No she wouldn't really, but that's how she felt. Now, should she try to get up slowly or fast? Janelle decided to go with the rip the band-aid off mentality. Counting to three, Janelle, quickly stood up from her chair. She stood up from her chair! Thank Merlin the spell had worked this time. Janelle breathed a huge sigh of releif.
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