Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh Alice had been minding her own business of to one corner of the room. Occupying a comfortable chair with her back to the wall so that she could watch the other people as she cared to from over the top of her book. As soon as she heard the professor ask for attention however, she had the feeling something unpleasant was about to happen to her.
Once the music that had been protecting her from having to listen to the others banter had been turned down, she frowned just slightly. It was muggle time apparently. Reminding them that the muggles weren't guinea pigs.....where was the fun in that? She had hoped that she would be safe in her corner and forgotten about but oh no. The professor wouldn't just leave Alice there to her books now would he....what a shame. She hid her disapproving sigh behind her book to look at her team mates.
How.....unappealing. Oh for Circe's sake she got stuck with the cheer squad!? What did she do to deserve this, she thought as she looked at the pretty blonde Gryffindor girl whose company would have to be suffering. And who else? Oh wait.......wasn't he in her house? Nerd alert, but at least he was smart , in case she was forced to speak to her team.
Whoa whoa wait, back up there professor. Equals? With MUGGLES !????? Had he lost his dusty mind? This......was going to be awful. She saw the team 'muggle study buddy' that they were appointed and bit back another sigh as she rose to stand with the group as she would be forced to, much to her chagrin. She was the shortest one here, probably wouldn't be much above armpit height for muggle by over there.....just splendid. Now they were expected to 'mingle'. She only ever 'mingled' at her parents get togethers, at their request, in order to be a good daughter. Now she had to do it for school? And what in Merlin's name.....she was supposed to socialize with the entire class!? Would she even survive this class, let alone pass it!? |