Day One
The Welcoming Party
FINALLY, the day had arrived! After weeks of explaining the assignment to his students, it was finally time to begin the project. Professor Willoughby had had quite the time getting this whole scenario past the administration, assuring them that only four muggles were being allowed within the castle's walls and only there
strictly for the learning purposes of his many students. Each muggle would have two to three students assigned to them for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, it would give the Hogwarts students a chance to meet, interact with, and possibly befriend
real muggles to get a hands-on experience for the class. Secondly, the students would work as sort of chaperones in some way to help the muggles through the magical school -- surely the poor non-magical teenagers would have many questions and need assistance to avoid danger through the grounds. Third, the groups would serve as teams for the challenges he himself would make and present to the students in class -- challenges in which they would need to work together, muggles alongside wizards, to complete and win points!
Professor Willoughby was beside himself with excitement; it wasn't often that this kind of opportunity came along and tonight was the night it all began! It was a Saturday night in mid-April, almost exactly a month away from the last day of school, and he had gathered all of his Muggle Studies students in his classroom for a welcoming party for the four muggles here for the project. Each muggle had been invited exclusively into the magical world and offered the opportunity to stay in the castle for a month for this educational experiment, with the assurance of their secrecy. Each of their parents were given the illusion that their child was safely away at a summer camp, so as to assuage any potential parental concerns. Once they had agreed and signed a waiver, they were transported by Willoughby himself into the castle (earlier that day) and had since been waiting in his office to be introduced to the class.
Finally, around seven o'clock, Willoughby was positive all of his students were in his classroom and he closed the door behind him with a smile. He turned to find his group of young witches and wizards already milling around, listening to the party music playing, eating the snacks he had gotten from the kitchens in preparation.
"AHEM. May I have your attention everyone," he spoke clearly and someone turned the music down to better hear him.
"In just a few minutes, I will be bringing out the muggles to introduce them to you all. Now..." he paused, scanning the room with a critical eye.
"I urge you all to remember that they are people, not guinea pigs for you to poke and prod for your own amusement." He wasn't all that concerned with most of his students, but there were a couple out there... He scanned the room and spotted Colin Doherty not paying the slightest attention to his words, spreading cheese across some crackers and stuffing them into his mouth.
"Are you listening Mr. Doherty?"
Colin jumped, turning as the class looked at him, his eyebrows raising at suddenly being called out. He spoke through a mouth full of crackers,
"Righ'. Lil' muggles, not guinea pigs!" he affirmed that he had been listening with a thumbs up, and Professor Willoughby sighed with a brief nod.
"Alright. I'm going to announce your groups before I bring them out, so you all have a chance to get into your teams and get acquainted..." he pulled a scroll of parchment out from his robes, unrolling it gently before clearing his throat.
"GROUP A, will be...ahem:
Levi Baker-Mae and Lina Michelle Keller!
GROUP B, is...:
Miracolina Haubert and Colin Doherty!
GROUP C, consists of:
Drew Carmichael and Benjamin Scott Thorne!
GROUP D, leaves us with:
Ezra Carmichael, Alicia Bélen Castillo, and Alice Winnifred Whitehall!"
He put away his scroll for the time being.
"Now these are your current pairings. You will be getting a muggle for every group. They are your companions in this project -- you are to learn alongside them, as equals. I won't be putting up with any precocious attitudes or entitlement in this project. This is about learning from one another. Be respectful." He eyed the group as a warning before slowly approaching the door to his private office, where the four special guests were waiting. When he returned, he returned alongside four individuals whom he politely told to stand before the class with a warm smile.
"Class, these are our special guests!" he announced with a grin, gesturing to the four muggles beside him. Sensing it might be easier to get the groupings out of the way, he continued,
"I'll let you all do your own introductions when you're mingling in the party, but for now, I'll just announce you by name so everyone's acquainted." He gestured to the first guest,
"Everyone, this is Remy Cooke," he announced cheerfully before turning to the muggle girl herself,
"You'll be with Levi and Lina, right over there," he gestured to the Levi and Lena so the girl could head over to her group and begin introductions.
"Next, this is Hugo Woodrow Holt," the Professor announced,
"And you'll be with Miracolina and Colin, right over there." He sent the young man on his way towards the two students in question. Colin waved him over as if he couldn't tell where he was going.
"Next, William K. Dodds! You're going to be with Drew and Benjamin, right over in that corner..." he gestured towards them and Drew gave a polite wave of the hand, sensing the young man might be nervous.
"And finally, Mr. Matthew Tufte, you will be grouped with Ezra and Alicia and Alice, right over there..." Once all of the muggles had been introduced and divided into their appropriate groups, the Professor gave a large smile to the group as a whole. He had already explained the purpose of the project to the muggles in the last couple of hours, ensuring that they were comfortable with the assignment and understood the intention of the class. They had already been made aware of why they were there. Now, all there was to do was mingle!
"Once again, welcome to our special guests!" he smiled.
"Tonight is just for mingling, getting to know one another. Please, eat and drink and get to know your groups and others! Monday, the true assignment begins." He grinned before slipping away to turn the music back on and grabbing himself a cracker or two.
And then, the class was left to mingle.
OOC: Feel free to RP your charries meeting their groups, and getting acquainted! VM me if you have any questions about how or where to begin!