SPOILER!!: I know ;-;
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There was the happy Hufflepuff, you know, the one NOT running into walls trying to give himself a concussion. Somehow Maddox felt this one could achieve such things without even leaving his seat but as there was no proof the boy was hyped up on sugar, there was nothing he could ban and no threats he could make. It was just slightly concerning--until he saw the apple.
Suddenly it didn't matter how jittery the happy puffer was, the man was still getting an apple out of it.
"Thank you Mister Fuller-Thompson." Pause. Some level of concern was still expected...wasn't it? As in...that whole sympathetic reel?
"You...alright there, kid?"
Huh? What? Huh? HUH?
Toby looked up from where he'd started fiddling around with a couple of quills and his parchment, and blinked at Quigley.
"Me?" he replied, then broke into a sudden grin.
"Oh yeah, I'm great. Top of the world. Fantabulous." Was that a word? That wasn't a word, but Toby didn't care. Maybe his answer was a little over the top as Toby was really just basically doing okay WITH ADDED EXAM STRESS and the like, but over the top was EXACTLY how Toby lived his live. He gave the man a salute. With both hands. At the same time... and kept talking.
"Tip top. Ace. Walkin' on sunshine, woahhh." Ahem, uh... getting carried away. Right. Toby grinned again and motioned that he was zipping his lips and shutting up now.
After that, the Hufflepuff focused on the other students filing in, still FIDGETING like a WINNER in his seat, and bouncing his feet under the table. Merlin. He should have gone for a longer run this morning. LUCKILY THOUGH, they were soon getting started, which meant he could focus his energies on the LESSON, WOO.
Toby was UP and OUT OF HIS SEAT right away at the instructions, barely even sparing a moment to start lining up before he was off, going weaving through the rows of desks. Problem was, while he LOVED to keep moving and was pretty graceful up on a broomstick, Toby was one of the clumsiest boys that walked this green earth when he had two feet on the ground. Desks were slammed into, hips were struck, feet collided with chair legs, but all in all he remained UPRIGHT, and that was what was important.
But answer. Yes. He had one of those, and so Toby raised his hand, even as he ran.
"Spider webs are EFFECTIVE because the spiders that MAKE THEM have positive spirits and a CAN-DO ATTITUDE." CRASH, dodge, run. Nailed it.
"That's why they look so elaborate and kinda pretty." Because, in Toby's mind,
that was the primary function of a spider's web.