Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... She watched everyone coming in and calmed herself as they did though her smile grew as one of the students seemed extra concerned. "Thank you Adi" She took the water and drank it before taking a cookie. If they knew the things she had sensed she wasn't sure they would have ever went down in the chamber let alone be looking for what they had, but the positive side they now had what they needed.
Seeing Nessa come into the room she felt a little relieved. Her best friend was truly the bravest of them all. Coming last to make sure they all got in safely, when she had lead the group, which really wasn't all the brave. No Nessa was certainly the strongest of the two. "Yes, I think we should. We are on a time limit here, because I feel that we need to get this out to students." She chewed the inner part of her lip trying to figure out her words. "I went to Professor Glendower with an idea I had. As you know many spiders have been around the castle and some of even you have been bitten by them. I've been sensing a few things and I feel we need to act fast to try and protect ourselves. As you talked quickly about in the bathroom before going into the chamber Spiders are afraid of Basilisk, but we do not have one of those anymore and unfortunately the venom has dried out. " She walked towards Adi who had one of the fangs, "My idea is to make protection necklaces out of these fangs. It's similar to what people do against Vampires when they wear garlic." Did they understand? "I'm not certain it will fully work, but I don't feel we can go without at least trying."
Did they understand the importance of what they just did now? "You will work together with these three fangs, one could duplicate the fang and once it is duplicated the others in the group can shrink them. Not too small, but enough that it can be worn as a necklace without being too huge." She glanced at Professor Glendower to make sure everything seemed to be sounding alright. "To shrink something remember it is Reducio and to duplicate it you will say Dupladius" She turned to the water she had and demonstrated both of these. "If you don't have any questions, please go ahead and start. Make as many as you can because I'd like us to give these out to the students and staff once we are finished."
Last edited by Bazinga; 07-13-2015 at 09:31 PM.