Herbology Homework #1 Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Mandrakes; Greenhouse Three.
Zhenya had been checking on her Mandrake every day to make sure it was in a good location, with enough water and sunlight. In the past few weeks, it had grown quite significantly. That was good. Before she went to her Mandrake, she fastened a pair of earmuffs over her eats, so as not to take any risks, and put her dragonhide gloves on. Can't be too careful. Add a protective apron on and she was set.
Zhenya found her Mandrake where she had left it the previous day, but the sun had moved. It required slight repositioning. Zhenya put her hands on either side of the Mandrake pot and lifted it up, making sure she squatted to protect her back. She lifted it and placed it carefully in the path of the beam of sunlight.
Having a quick look at the soil, she saw that whilst it wasn't dry, it wasn't moist enough. She pulled her wand from her robe pocket and pointed it at the Mandrake. "Aguamenti," she said, probably super loud. How would she know? These earmuffs were magnificent! She swirled her wand and a light jet of water came out, and aimed towards the plant. Once a slight amount had moistened the plant, she cast "Finite," to stop the spell. It had been watered enough, she thought.
Zhenya fished a piece of parchment and her quill from her bag and sat down in front of her Mandrake to draw it. She drew the pot first, working up and drawing the large, flat leaves, and the flowers. She would colour the sketch in later. Once the sketch was complete, she rolled the parchment up again and put it back in her bag. Now was time to to another journal entry. She pulled out her journal, wrote the date in and wrote about her observations. She had a few pages of journal entries and was almost finished. The following lesson was only a few days away, so this might have been the last entry she had done. She flicked back through her journal on the pages back from its early days, to its acne, and feistiness and then trying to move into another pot. She laughed at the memory of that particular day. What was she supposed to do? Ground the Mandrake for being naughty? Nah, she couldn't do that. LOL.
With her journal entry and her sketch complete, she stood up, put her bag back on, and removed her earmuffs and dragonhide gloves at the door and left.
__________________  EVASIVE | RESTLESS | MISUNDERSTOOD always on the move |