Forest Troll
Join Date: Aug 2011 Location: Ohio
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Kirsten Delbin Hufflepuff Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Mateo Theodore Slytherin Fifth Year
x11 x9
| Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... SPOILER!!: replies Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Kate gave a round of hello's to everyone then turned her attention to Professor Cassie. kate drew her wand, her curiously already spiking. She wondered what kind of Divination they were going to do here in the girls' bathroom with their wands drawn. She didn't have to wonder for long, though. Kate nodded along as the professor brought up the cobwebs. Yeah. They couldn't help but notice them. Kate had seen whole walls of the castle covered by the things. She was really starting to develop a phobia of spiders.
Wait a second. The Chamber. They weren't going down into the Chamber of Secrets, were they? There were THINGS in that chamber, things Kate had only read about in books and had no desire to meet. But if there was something down there that could help them... Kate was no heroic Gryffindor, but she'd give it her best shot. "Do you think the Basilisk venom is still down there?" she asked. That was the only thing she could think of that could ward off a creature. Kate had read about how there was supposedly a stash of Basilisk fangs down there that had been known to destroy things before. "Professor? Are we going down there?" "I really wish it was, because that would help us so much more, but no it's not. We will be using something from the Basilisk though." Quote:
Originally Posted by griffin Wands out? Why would they need their wands out the entire time? Penelope was feeling really uneasy about this. What could possibly require them to have their wands out the entire time? Penelope took her wand out, gripping it tightly. Wait, they wouldn't be learning a form of divination? Wasn't that what they were supposed to do in SNAC meetings?
There had been a lot of cobwebs and spiders around recently. Why were there so many spiders? Did Professor Cassie say that there might be something in the chamber of secrets that could help get rid of the spiders? She really hoped that this didn't mean that they would be going into the chamber to look something that would get rid of the spiders. "Could there be creatures that eat spiders in the chamber?" Other than that she had no idea what Professor Cassie could mean about warding off the unwanted guests. Did a lot of spiders live in the chamber? Had all of the spiders from in the chamber come up to the castle to escape from the spider eating creatures? She didn't know if there were any spiders or spider eating creatures down in the chamber, so it was probably best not to think too much about that. Either way she still didn't want to go down into the chamber. Penelope was kind of freaked out by the idea of going into a small dark hole. She looked to Penelope who had asked about creatures, "No, nothing like that and the spiders are certainly down there as well as the rest of the castle it seems." She could hear them, she knew. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Woops. He had made Cassie jump. And his cheerfulness was definitely not working here. This was disappointing. "I'm sorry, Professor. I didn't mean to startle you.'' He turned as someone else arrived. "Heya, Kate!'' And there was Professor Glendy! He had grown more fond of her lately. "Hi, Professor!'' Even she seemed to be affected by these webs. Drat the things!
Eyeing the Angelfish. EYES ON YOU! She was developing a sense of humour and he liked it. Or maybe she was trying to get completely in his good books again. It didn't matter. This Puffer approved! "Really?!" He pretended to look in panic around. "This would explain why there are only girls here.'' Ohhh not any more though! "Benny! Angel pointed out we're in the wrong washroom.'' He grabbed his best friend by the shoulder and tried to push him out of the room. Haha. He kidded. Just trying to lighten the mood around here. "Hey, Penelope!'' The Puff had not missed the weird look he and Benny were getting. Hehe. Annnnd finally there was the girlfriend showing up. ''Hey, baby.'' He just had the urge to call her that more often, okay?
Adi stood close to Benny when Cassie started to speak to them all. The icky webs were all over, yo! He hated the feel of them and he was hoping if he walked behind Benny, the Lion would take the webs first. What? Don't look at him! He hated the webs so bad. Besides, besties were there for stuff like that.
Wand out! Right! One Hippogriff feathered core wand here. Yep, everyone had sure notice those webs. Bleh. Anywaaay... yeah, Acromantulas... spiders... eight legged thingies. SPIDERMAN! Hey, Spiderman spun webs too okay? Adi wanted to suggest Spiderman was the one who spun them here but he doubted everyone would get his sense of humour. "Uh, Basilisk Fangs?'' If they were STILL there. Adi knew spiders feared the giant snake. "Very good Adi, the Fangs are what we are after or any of the teeth really. I'm not fully sure what we will find, but I'm hopeful we can find some." Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel giggled as she looked at Adi as he attempted to push Benny out of the room. She smiled at him and then she turned back to the Professor as she spoke.
"I'm good Professor." Angel listened to what the Professor said and she raised her hand. "Professor could there be something with Basilisk scent on it because spiders fear the creature right, though they don't have to seen it to think one is around.
Angel looked as her sister entered the room and so did Benny, the gang was together and looked like they might be getting back to the old days when they were all together, she hoped so. Angel took out her wand and waited to see what the Professor wanted them to do next. She really did have some bright students in her group of SNACinators. "That's what I'm hoping for as an end game for what we are doing, but it will come in stages I'm afraid." The Basilisk had been long gone from that chamber and others had used it before, so she was just hoping for a few items. Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Toby had been hesitant about showing up to the SNAC meeting after that one particular Divination lesson they'd had, AND by the vibe he got from that urgent notice. After all, in his unfortunate experience, urgent notices were never good.
And yet, here he was, stood among the group, wand reluctantly drawn (THAT request was never a good sign, either) as he wondered if maybe this hadn't been such a great idea.
Toby knew... he kneeeew what Professor Cassie was on about, even though she didn't mention it. Spiders. Bleskjfhskhskhsd. SPIDERS. Merlin, he had a terrible phobia of them which made THIS TERM SO GOSH DARN FUN =D
And he knew his creatures too, so when the professor posed her question, he reluctantly put in, "Spiders are scared of Basilisks. They run away from them. But the one down there is...-" *wibble* "-... dead. I think. But we saw Nifflers in there last year. It's possible they'll befriend the spiders and persuade them that a life underground in the chamber is truly a life worth living and then they'll leave us alone and then we'll all be happy. OR..." OR!!!!! "... the spiders already live down there on account of how there's no scary basilisk anymore and that's actually their headquarters now 'cause it's all dark and scary and spiders like those sorts of places, right?"
Toby, who had started looking around at the cobwebs as he started on his TOTALLY POSSIBLE THEORIES, now looked back at the professors, glancing between them. Did they need him to elaborate? 'Cause his imagination had already taken those theories and run with them. He'd already thought up an elaborate hierarchy as well as a cobweb trade system and how basically the school had just become a COBWEB STORE ROOM. He could keep talking, check out that crazy glint in his eye. Say the word and he'd share the wealth of information.
... It often helped when he thought of outlandish and humanising theories about spiders. Made them a little less scary... at least until such a time came when he saw one in real life again, but y'know. Working progress. She blinked at him wishing she could say something to tell him he was wrong, but she couldn't. "You are right the basilisk is dead and most of it's remains are gone, so the spiders will not hesitate to live down there and are from what I can sense." Though she wasn't fully sure about the Nifflers. She had only heard about them last term. She'd have to try to get through the millions of squeaking fast spider chatter and see if she could sense anything else while there. Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz Beverly made it. She had been lurking out in the corridor. You know, if someone was going to go first (or at all) it wouldn't be her. Seeing as no one came out screaming bloody banshee, she stepped inside, and as usual, stepping close to Adi and bumping her shoulder to his as greeting.
It was a serious meeting it seemed. They were dealing with spiders? Oh. Maybe they could capture them and use them as potion ingredients. Beverly has empty phials in her little pouch. She came prepared.
Thinking over Morgan's question, she took a guess. "Bones." Pause. "Basilisk bones." Seeing as spiders are scared of Basilisks and all that remained down in the chamber was basilisk bones. Unless some weird plant grew there or something. "You're right Beverly, there are mostly bones. Many of the bones are even gone, but lets hope we can find some of what we need." Quote:
Originally Posted by Zhenya Zhenya listened to Professor Cassie's introduction and instructions. Was this a bit of a learning experience too? Zhenya took her wand out, and that was where it would stay for the remainder of the meeting.
She remembered the story of the opening of the chamber of secrets, and what was there; the dead body of the basilisk. So... they were going down there to get parts from the snake? Well, perhaps there would still be the body down there. "Professors, would the basilisk body have decomposed significantly over the years?" she asked. Imagine if it was still intact! She would be able to see the a basilisk body. That would be very interesting. "Yes it would Zhenya, but bones and teeth take the longest, so we should be able to find them. I am just hoping we find enough in tact for what we need them for."
Hearing Nessa speaking more to Toby she looked at her friend, no she wasn't sure about the Nifflers, but she nodded about some of it. The two had been talking about some of her thoughts and senses lately. "As Professor Glendower and your SNAC mates have confirmed today we are going down to the chamber to look for Basilisk teeth. There is danger around us and I am hoping we can help protect many with these items. Now I know that the Basilisk has been dead for many year, but I am in hopes that we can find at least three teeth."
She watched as she tried to read their facial expressions. "It's dangerous going down here, I'm not going to lie and you know that I would never want to put you in any danger, but if we don't try to do something...." She stopped not wanting to even think about it. "I'm going to go down first and Professor Glendower will be last. Please everyone it is very important that you stick together. Once down there you can go ahead and search the chamber together. If you need to break apart break apart in groups. Get your wands lit here if not right when you get down there and keep your eyes open. If you can find a tooth please call out that you have. The minute we have at least three we are getting out of there. There is an exit that will take us out if you remember from mapping. If you don't wish to continue I will not blame you, you can turn and head out now. If you do come down with us and you see any danger alert myself or Professor Glendower right away and everyone get to the exit as quickly as possible." She hated being this serious, but it was serious and she couldn't have time for any snaps. "Alright, it we are ready." She gave one last look to them all and turned to enter the chamber.
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