Text Cut: Angel!
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Angel smiled as she heard a girl from class speak. "I'd love too." Angel then headed out of the room.
For the next seven days, she checked up on the potion ever so often just to make sure that the flame didn't go out, she waited for Kate to come, and whilst doing that she decided to get both the equipment that they would be using ready, she thought it would save Kate a job and she hoped that her fellow classmate wouldn't mind her doing it.
Kate came back to check on her potion often, making double sure her flame was still going and hadn't gone out. It'd be terrible to have to start over. Especially on a potion like this one. She had high hopes for it! When it was time to start on the next step, Kate headed back to the lab to meet up with Angel. She double-checked her parchment to make sure she would be starting at the exact time she needed to. Smiling, she realized she was right on track.
She wasn't surprised to see the Angel already there, but she was pleasantly surprised to see that she'd already gotten their materials ready.
"Hey, Angel," she said.
"Thanks for getting everything ready."
Kate cleaned her materials, as she knew better by now than to start without doing that.
"So, let's see. We're on step ten, which means we need to add the other Jobberknoll feathers," she said. Kate collected seven feathers then turned to her own potion, adding them in one at a time.
"I'm really crossing my fingers for mine to work out, what with this being a really difficult potion to brew." It's be really awesome to be only a second year and have this work out!
Kate turned her burner on medium heat then collected the armadillo bile and a clean teaspoon. She began to measure out the seven teaspoons, one at a time, and added them to the brew.
"Only six more steps," she said aloud to herself.