Talikins|Huffledor|Purple|Ted Velvet| |Lochnessie|Redhead|Bladger|⅓ Ferocious Trio Quote:
Originally Posted by Suziella Maddox smiled his heart melting smile at the woman and replied, "Good afternoon! We would like to buy a Twigger 101, a Firebolt 600, and two broom servicing kits, please." He may not be as young as he once was but he was still very handsome and knew how to use it.
Though his wife may not be to excited that he still did but...hey...it had worked basically his whole life so....why not still use it.
It made all the difference to Erica when customers were as warm and friendly as she always attempted to be towards them. Customers that were difficult could honestly turn a bright sunny day into one of cold stormy weather. Hence, the shopkeeper was extremely pleased to be assisting a man whom smiled, not to mention that he was rather handsome, but looks meant little to her in this scenario.
After performing the calculations quickly in her head she responded. "That will be 21 Galleons and 6 sickles." she kept her own smile where it was and then waited for the main to hand her the payment. |