The sound of Toby's hurried footsteps preceded him into the potions lab, and when the Hufflepuff himself arrived it was with a CRASH right into the laboratory door. He... really should learn to master the art of stopping, but it was so much easier to just slam into things rather than slow down. Eh... maybe something to work on.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAANYWAY, Toby was RUSHING because he had - in pure Toby-style - totally forgotten that he needed to come and continue brewing his potion today. It had been a stroke of luck, really, that Toby had noticed Professor Culloden in the Great Hall on the way to get some lunch, and idly wondered about his potion in the dungeons. There had been a brief moment of panic where he thought he might have already gone over the time they needed to wait, but after stopping dead right in the middle of the Hall and emptying his back onto the floor and finding his potions notes, he realised that NO... there was STILL TIME. Fifteen minutes, to be exact. Because today was Wednesday, seven days since he'd started to re-brew the potion.
So Toby had then decided to sprint all the way down to the dungeons, with all his books and notes and homeworks gathered in his arms like his firstborn child (there had been no time to repack his back, which now flopped uselessly at his side as he ran). But still, he MADE it. And LUCKILY for him, Toby had a habit of carrying ALL his school supplies with him, on account of how frequently he forgot which subjects he had (or homeworks he needed to finish, like today), so he had his potions kit out and Jobberknoll feathers levitated over the potion MOMENTS to spare.
... four... three... two... one...
As the seconds ticked over to mark 12:14pm, Toby cancelled the charm and dropped all seven feathers into his potion, and... that was it. That was the only step he'd needed to do. The reason he'd sprinted all the way here. Merlin, that had been close.
Toby noted the time on his parchment (even though he didn't really have to write the time when it was already there) and adjusted the rest of his notes accordingly. Then, finally, he stepped back from the potion and took a breather, because that sudden sprint had been exhilarating. When he was all recovered and stuff, Toby repacked his bag, shoving everything back in so haphazardly that it would have made his dad twitch. Heheh.
Okay. Right.
"Bye, Potion. See you in another week." And off he went.