Post 2 Zebtle | Malfoy Minion | Chico | Jedi | Huffinator
The next part of the training was to get her up in the air."Thumbelina,I'm going to help you warm up,okay?"Henric told her, already pointing his wand on her belly. Thumbelina seemed to agree with him on this one too. He believed she was a fast learner, she could master her flying skills in no time."Incendio!" He watched her breathed fire,probably gaining momentum on her set of wings as they moved up and down unsteadily. Henric thought it be a good lesson for her to lift by her own and he was determined to get her flying too!"Come on, that's it...get your wings flapping and your body moving," he thought,gleefully. Henric flailed his arms and showed her how to leap as well. They needed a live demonstration, it would help them learn faster,right?
Thrilled, he could see Thumbelina trying her best to gain more power on her wings."You're almost there Thumbelina!"praising his little dragonette as he watched her fluttering above the ground on her own. Soon, his little girl was flying and zooming past his head. Henric made a fist bump in the air,"Alright!" he shouted in joy for successfully teaching her how to fly on her own.
Last edited by Symphora; 07-09-2015 at 05:04 AM.
Reason: Code :)