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No one was answering her.
Lux was left alone with whatever was crunching bones and making shadows. She was so scared and started to cry. Where was Bay? She wanted Bay. If he was here, though, he could get hurt and she never wanted that to happen again. Maybe the creatures would leave her alone and she could find that staircase...
Wiping her eyes, she heard Cinna. She was so happy to see her but didn't want anything bad to happen to her. "Something is down here!" They needed to get out of this place as soon as possible...
Lux let out a terrified scream. "HELP!! SOMEONE HELP!" She was crying again.
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Come on Lux where are you? The sixth year kept look around for her red headed puff friend. She had better be down here now. Through all of the other noise Cinna could hear crying. It was probably Lux it had to be Lux.
Finally she found the hufflepuff. Good she was down here and she didn't completely waste her time looking for her. Of course something was down here. She nodded "Come on Lux. Let's get you out of here." She reach over to Lux. Whatever grabbed her legs must have grabbed Lux's first on the hufflepuff reacted and started screaming. Something had her legs too. She tried kicking her legs to free herself. "Let go of me." She shouted The screams, oh Lux calm down. What to do? She couldn't think straight with the crying. She couldn't see what had there legs. She turned around with her wand as best as she could. The first thing that came to her mind "Stupefy! Stupefy!" She pointed her wand behind where the thing that had there legs was or should be.
With immense strength, the two girls were pulled further into the shadows by the unseen foes until they could no longer be seen or heard. All that remained was the shoe of the Gryffindor that became caught in a web and the torn remnants of a Hufflepuff robe on the ground from the other.
More movement came from the shadows still as unknown number of enemies scurried through the darkness towards the remaining pair (
sarahlooo &
nicole black).
"FEED! FEED! FEED ON FLESH!" they hissed.
Another appearing from the right, it leapt forward and just barely grazed the leg of the boy. But it was enough to puncture the skin.
A thud of a large body somersaulting upon the damp ground notified the two students that the attacker had fallen, momentarily preoccupying the rest of its accomplices from their pursuit.