Post #2 Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh As Astrid leaned and stretched on her forearm, Ilia held herself still and extended. Once the dragonette seemed done and comfortable, Ilia stroked up under her wings again. "Come on little girl, lets fly." Once she had her attention again, she gently lifted her arm to prompt her again, a little more oomph at the last bit of her extension. It might have taken her a moment, but she willingly started to fly. Although......not in the desired direction. Ilia drew her wand as she watched her scaly little charge fly right of the target. "Incendio." She aimed just behind and under her tail, a little to her right in order to prompt her toward the target. Slowly her dragon child veered, but not quite enough. "Incendio." She did as before, so that the flame did not touch her, simply grace her with its warmth. Now she was heading in the right direction. "Good girl." She said softly, probably not even loud enough for Astrid to hear her. Just a little further and......first hoop cleared! |