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Dopey expression plastered across his face and the words 'I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK’ temporarily tattooed across his forehead in brilliant red thanks to some crafty spellwork in the letter he had just received, the Astronomy professor practically pirouetted his way into the staff room for a cup of coffee. His cheeks, a lush shade of red to match his ears, were soon brushed with hanging cobwebs that stuck to his face and hair, but the man hardly noticed as he made his way towards the cupboard to retrieve his mug.
Filling his cup, and failing to notice the webs that laced the bottom, Airey moved to take a long sip from it. What a term it had been with one thing after the other, but Medea's letter had been...well...illogically mushy, but just the sort of reinforcement he needed.
Smile growing on his flushed features, he took that long sip from his coffee and swallowed a mouthful of soggy cobwebs.
An indescribably and astronomically LOUD noise escaped the man's lips as he spewed the beverage from his mouth and dropped the mug to the floor - that had been charmed NOT to break, thankfully. Coffee everywhere, including drops searing his suit's trousers, the man began to claw at his tongue to get the webs that were still clinging to it and his teeth OFF.
Hearing a loud clunk and cry of.. well, a cry of
something, Tiara rushed into the staff room to find Airey Flamsteed, soaked, and obviously having had some spell placed on his head.
What was she supposed to do with that?
What's going on, man?!" she asked, concerned. And really, she would settle for an explanation as to the noise, the state of his robes, OR the state of his head.