Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Kate honestly had no idea what was going on. Yes, she was a Ravenclaw, but that only meant she could think things through really well. It did not ever mean she had all the answers. She had no idea what the form of Divination was, but she paid attention as the professor told them about it. Kate also chanced a look around the room to a few of her nearby classmates. Had somebody really taken Bob, or was the professor just carrying through with something she'd planned?
Kate was unsure of a lot of things, but what she was sure of was that she wanted to partner with an older student who might have a better idea of what was going on. "I do," she said, turning toward Cinna. She'd met Cinna a year and a half ago when she was about to be a little firstie. They hadn't talked since, so Kate had no idea if the girl would remember her. When the sieves came by her, Kate collected one, still not sure what to do with it.
The sixth year listened around to some of the answers from some of the others. Hoping she would come up with some kind of answer on her own. She just had a basic knowledge of this form of divination. She thought that there was some forms where you ask what you wanted to know. This may or may not be one of those.
Cinna turned around and looked when she heard someone say that she would be her partner. Wait.... She knew this girl. "Kate?" Was it just her or does kids just grow up faster now than when she was that age? "Sure. We can be partners." She smiled at her. Kate had a sieve even better.
Turning her attention back to professor Cassie as she went over the steps. She listened carefully. "I'll go first if that's fine." Not like Kate was the one who took Bob.