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Evie didn't press the matter. Now that she thought about it, it probably was when Damien was 'soulless' (his words, not hers), so there was no way he would remember and she didn't to, like... trigger something and take him back there. This was a HAPPY DAY, so, that was the end of that.
... Jack? It was probably one of Damien's weird song lyrics or something which she had learned to ignore because they never made sense. Evie stared down into the dark pit in which she could not see anything. Damien, almost a Slytherin? "Oh, is that right?" How interesting.
Evie took Damien's hand, suddenly a tad nervous... but mostly excited. She had nothing clever to say when they jumped, so it was just a ear-piercing squeal of terrific excitement.
And down they went.
It was dark, damp and just as Damien had always imagined it when his mother had told him stories of Harry Potter and the Chamber.... It was a rare instance in Damien's life when the boy was speechless, this was definitely one of them.
He licked his lips, his blue eyes straining in the green light to peer at the strange surroundings. It was colder here, but the air was still and the silence seemed like a dark blanket that was more smothering than comforting. It was not a place of games and fun, that was clear enough to see, and yet Damien Anderson-Belfort felt no inclination to leave, rather he was acutely curious and eager to dive deeper into the murky depths of Salazar Slytherin's most famous secret.
"Lumos." He muttered, his voice echoing, he turned to Evie, hand still wrapped tightly around hers. "You okay?" Damien quietly asked. If she wanted to leave and turn back Damien would do just that, but he hoped, a bit selfishly, that this would not be the case.