DAVANGELINE/EVAMIEN or whatever, idk Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia She had PUDDING in her hair. That was a fact. What wasn't a fact was that it was all Damien's fault, but she was gonna blame him anyway because he was the only one who was around her at the time that it happened. And now that boy was being dragged down the hallway by a tall, brown-skin, sleek haired girl who was determined to get said putting out and fix her hair. With his help, of course. Besides that, she wanted to keep an eye on him because his life was more depressing than a 500 page novel of Moaning Myrtle's eternal woes of life. "In here," she said, tugging Damien into the girl's bathroom with her. She wasn't worried; not many girls used this bathroom anyway. And they'd only be in there for just a moment, just to fix her hair. Evie planted herself in front of a mirror and got out her wand. Time to de-pudding. |