♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Did she have any adventures? "I sure did!" she said. No term at Hogwarts was ever uneventful.
When Professor Cassie overlooked the proud moments and began the lesson, Lux was a little surprised.
Her classmates were covering the first question well, so she refrained from answering and instead focused on writing notes. She was trying to keep on top of those during lessons because they would come in handy for the NEWTS next term.
And there were the proud moments.
Lux snapped along as each one was read. Way to go everyone!! Yaaaay. She loved these. At the next question, she raised her hand. "You need to heat the shell with a poker so that the cracks will form!" Yep. |