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Old 07-02-2015, 02:22 AM   #44 (permalink)

Pygmy Puff
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoenix Marchbanks
Fourth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Wiley Whittebrook
Second Year

x12 x5
Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent

Originally Posted by griffin View Post
Penelope looked away from the spider when she heard Professor Glendower speaking to her. "Can you please help me get it off of my hair?" She would have to find a seat after the spider was gone from her hair.

When the spider had been removed, Penelope found a seat and took out parchment and a quill for taking notes. They were going to focus on games today? This lesson, like all of Professor Glendower's lessons, would be fun. What games did she know about? There were plenty of games to choose from. "Gobstones." She liked playing gobstones and she had participated in a few matches.
Oh, goodness. Nessa gave Penelope a small smile that may or may not have somewhat resembled a grimace. It wasn’t that she minded helping the girl, but it was a spider. Gently placing her wand in the girl’s hair next to the spider, she moved it a bit to get the spider onto it then quickly took it to the window where she flung it outside. All better.

But back to the discussion. Nessa nodded happily at the Ravenclaw as she was the first to offer an answer. “Gobstones is indeed a fun game.” She didn’t quite get all the rules, or at least she could never tell who was winning or losing, but she did enjoy watching the school games with Cassie.

Originally Posted by Jessiqua View Post
Zhenya settled into her seat to start the lesson. The cobwebs were a bit freaky, and she knew what little critter created those things... so she was a bit on edge at the thought of spiders being near her. UGH.

She tried to lose her mind in the subject; games! Maybe they would spend the lesson playing some games or something? That would be fun. Zhenya had a think of some games that she had played as a child and raised her hand, "Exploding Snap, I still play that game. One of my favourites."
”Exploding Snap is one my favorites too!” Nessa exclaimed with a beamy smile as Zhenya offered her answer. “Such drama and excitement packed into a tiny little game.” She loved the suspense of random explosions during the game.

Originally Posted by Symphora View Post
Games? He had plenty of games in his head he could actually list them all.Plenty of computer muggle games though...he wondered if they were valid answers for the History of Magic professor.He didn't think she would know any of the games he played anyway so maybe not. He thought of a more safe answer and raised his hand,"Professor, what about water balloon game?" They played with water balloons before in Astronomy class before.Yep.
Nessa thought over Henric’s answer for a moment then nodded. “Certainly you can play games with water balloons. There might not be an official game with water balloons, but there are a lot of fun things you can do with them to make a game.” And that was something of the theme for the day’s class.

Originally Posted by Tiro MacMhuirich View Post
OH. They were starting, awesome. Games? Games…. Nice! ”Well, Professor there is obviously Quidditch… Which can be played at many different levels, such as just for fun, at school and I believe there is an under 17s league as well as the actual leagues around Britain and the world.” Yup, her … Granda’s sister was a coach and she loved it. Hehe.
Nessa wasn’t surprised that Quidditch was one of the first games mentioned. It was one of the most popular, even if she didn’t know all that much about it. ”Yes, very good,” she nodded. “Quidditch is a good example.”

Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy View Post
[COLOR="DarkGreen]Before long the lesson was beginning and her full attention was at the front of the room with the professor. A large grin formed on her face when she heard they were going to have a fun lesson and talk about different games. Lots and lots of games. Being a witch yet growing up mostly around muggles Hady knew tons and tons of games. So this questions was a simple one as she raised her hand into the air and gave her answer, "There's wizards chess, the muggles also have a form of chess they play however the pieces don't move at all." The same idea however but the wizards put a little spin on the game having the pieces move where they were told and attack the other players pieces to take it's spot. It was actually quite cool to play and just to watch.
”Oh yes, wizard chess is another good example,” Nessa said with a nod. Not one that she ever got the hang of, but it was popular enough with the community and was one of the answers she was looking for.

Originally Posted by Mordred View Post
Ethan waved a hand in the air, and answered the question. "Quodpot, professor." Not that it's his favourite game, but that little girl over there who was seated beside his cousin mentioned Quidditch, so the other variant came into mind instantly.
”Mhm,” Nessa nodded again at Ethan’s answer. “Quodpot too.. Though not as popular in our country as some others.” Not that it mattered, she just wanted to get a running list of games to get them thinking.

Originally Posted by RandomRaven View Post
And now back to the lesson. Professor Glendower asked them about games. Hmm... They're gonna be playing games again, right? He was about to mention gobstones since he's the player of the match when Gryffindor played against Slytherin. Hehehe. But somebody had mentioned it before, damn it. "Wizard chess, Professor. I don't really enjoy it by the way." Jackson answered as he raised up his hand to the air.
Yes, Hady had mentioned this already and Nessa simply nodded. “Oh.. well then why don’t you name one that you do enjoy?” There were many, many games that hadn’t been mentioned yet that she was certain there must be one that he liked.

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Janelle's hand shot into the air. She had a game to name, but unfortunately she was not fast enough. Someone beat her to the punch. With her answer already mentioned, Janelle had to do some quick thinking. Her possible choices were dwindling by the second and she was having a hard time thinking of more games. Then she remembered something. "There's a game called Shuntbumps." Janelle had never played it, but it sounded like a lot of fun to her.
”You are correct, there is,” Nessa nodded happily. It was a little more rambunctious of a game than she ever played when she was a child, but many kids liked it.

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
GaaassSSSSPPPPP! Toby's hand shot straight up at that question. He had an answer that didn't even HAVE to spring to mind because it was ALWAYS on his mind.

"QUID-... oh." Oh. Someone else had already mentioned it; he'd not initially processed that fact on account of his enthusiasm. Sooooo, Toby lowered his hand again, and seconds later it was BACK UP in the air. "Quid-... wait..." AGAIN, he lowered his hand. NO, Toby. C'mon, get your head in the game.

Wait... game. UP went his hand. "QUI-... rahhh, I mean... uh..." THINKTHINKTHINK "Creaoeaoaoethceoanananan. Or something. It's a game that was banned, because it was super dangerous. I don't know how to say it. Creathaceanonon?" Creaothceann was the word Toby had been going for, but he'd only ever read it before, in his battered and well-read copy of Quidditch Through the Ages. And throughout all the years of reading the bizarre words, he'd never found out how to say it, so in his HEAD it was jibberish, which... was now an issue. "Createtheoceannaneaon???"
Nessa watched Toby and waited patiently as it seemed the boy had an answer right on the tip of his tongue. Oh! Yes.. Smiling widely, she nodded as he tried to pull the title of a game together. It was a tough one to say. “Creaothceann,” she pronounced slowly. “And you’re right, it was very dangerous.. keep that one in mind.” The thought of it might come in handy with one of her follow up discussion questions.

Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
Gabriel readjusted himself in his seat and nervously glanced around. Someone had already mentioned HIS game, unfortunately...Wizarding Chess...or simply Chess. Gabes were especially good at this it revolved around strategy and focus. Also, it helped him with his anxiety issues at times...but that was...

That was something different altogether.

"Would.....dueling be considered a game?"
Nessa thought a moment, then nodded happily. “Dueling often is considered a game. Especially when it’s all in good fun.” Sometimes duels were not meant as a game, so it would depend on the context.

SPOILER!!: Muggle answers
Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Angel raised her hand after the Professor spoke. "There is a board game that muggles have called perfect wedding." Angel's knew what her perfect wedding would be but there was no need to tell anyone else, and she didn't really know of any wizard games over than exploding snap and gobstones which had already been mentioned.
Originally Posted by Sararara View Post
Oooooohhh GAMES. This was already going to be loads of fun, she could tell. Even if it meant no coloring. Norah beamed at Professor Glendower as she recorded each of her classmates' answers in her notes. The only issue with that was that by the time she'd put her hand in the air to answer, she didn't have any ideas that hadn't been mentioned yet. Uh. Did they have to be wizard games or could they be any games? As she couldn't remember if the professor had specified, the fourth year answered, "Well, muggles play football a lot. People from all over play that one." She'd SEEN them at it. With a small shrug, she brought her hand down again. It WAS a game, anyways. Wizards could probably play it too, if they wanted. Wasn't nearly as fun as fling though.
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
"There's a muggle game called Scrabble," he offered after raising his hand. Granted he had seen wizards play it but it came from the muggle world.
Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
She raised her hand. "There's a muggle board game called MONOPOLY--I think it might be AMERICAN, too, I'm not sure--but it's so COOL and like--I think we should totally make a magic one because it would be AWESOME and we could do like, instead of the four railroad, different magical ways to TRAVEL--" she stopped herself before she went on.


"Yeah. Monopoly."
Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
Steering her thoughts back to the lesson she thought about games. She's played tons of them either with Kennedy or Danny or Jeremiah. Some mentioned by her classmates sounded familiar, and before hers was said, she raised her hand. "There's a board game named Trouble." You hit the little bopping thing. Heh. That was always fun. Hitting things.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
He raised his hand. "There's a muggle game called Perfection, you have to put these pieces into the correct space and there are a LOT, it's kind of like a puzzle, and if you don't do it before the timer goes off the whole thing EXPLODES!" he cried.
Hmm.. what? Nessa furrowed her brow a bit as several students mentioned specifically muggle games. Yeah, she really didn’t know what most of those were at all, and they did realize that they were not in Muggle Studies class just now? “I’ll have to take your word for it,” she shrugged, still giving them an encouraging smile. “Be we are looking for magical games throughout history right now.” Because, History of Magic. And there were still plenty unnamed. At least Eden was on the right track with her thinking and her thoughts would definitely be useful later on. “Keep that in mind for later, Eden,” she smiled brightly. And the one Caleb mentioned sounded SUPER exciting. "Explodes, hm? I wonder if there is a way to make that one magically.." She was sure there was.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Annnnnd class was starting! WOOT! They were going to talk about games? Professor Glendy was on a roll with her fun classes, yo! Not that this was anything new. She always made her lessons fun even though he had not put that over properly to her in the last class. the thought of that embarrassed him and he quickly re-focused on the present lesson by raising his hand. "Cricket, Professor!'' was his WAAAAAAAY enthusiastic reply. Cricket... his beloved cricket.

But.... wasn't that more of a sport than a game? Ehhh... who cared? CRICKET!
And another answer that left her a bit confused. “Cricket?” Nessa looked quizzically at Adi. Was that not an insect? “I’m afraid I don’t know that one dear.” Perhaps another muggle one. She still gave him a smile before looking to the next student.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
"There's the Magical Symbols Game," Kate said, raising her hand. She remembered hearing about how it had appeared in the Daily Prophet at one time or another.
It took Nessa a minute to know which game Kate as referring, but then she remembered that the Quibbler had their own version of the puzzle. “Oh, right,” she nodded, smiling. “That’s a good solitary game.” People needed those too, to entertain themselves.

Originally Posted by VRSCIKA View Post
"Would 'Stichstock' be an acceptable answer professor?" She asked upon her turn. Her slight accent showed through at the pronunciation of the originally German word. She did say games, she did not specify ancient or currently relevant. Besides, she was pretty certain that her uncles had played it before.
”Oh, of course that is a perfect answer!” Nessa smiled at the girl. “It’s not really played any longer, but it is a historical game.. and we are going to talk about that sort of thing too.” Good.

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
What was a for-real game, though? "Musical Broomsticks, Professor. We used to play that at birthday parties when I was little."
”Ooh, we used to play that at birthday parties when I was little too,” Nessa nodded happily. It was a popular one in the town that she lived in. At least among little kids. Goodness, that brought back memories.

Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
Anywho, the lesson was starting. Games. Ohhh... this was going to be another fun lesson. The lion listened thoughtfully to the answers everybody else gave. When something came to mind, she raised her hand. "There is jump rope. It's even more fun when two people hold the rope and you get to jump in the middle. Add in an extra rope and you have a party." So much fun.
Jump rope. Hmm, that was an interesting answer. “I supposed that could be considered a game.. though can you think of a way to incorporate magic into it and make it even more of a party?”

Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post
"Blackjack, Professor." He said putting his hand in the air. "It's a card game where value amounts are assigned to the cards and yer object is ter get yer hand to add up to 21 and not more than. It's not really for kiddos, though." Which was why he explained it in case any of the students hadn't been familiarized yet with gambling card games. Cutty himself had never tried it. Shhh.
Nessa squinted at Cutty a moment. Not exactly the line of thinking that she was looking for, though she supposed that was technically a game. “Unless you play for chocolate frogs and peppermint humbugs.”

Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
There were a few suggestions she could offer in response to the first question, but a lot of her classmates had beat her to them. Instead, she took out her notebook and started writing down the examples.
No answer? There were still lots of games left to discuss, so silence would be slightly disappointing, though she was pleased to see her writing some things down. That would be helpful later.

“Okay, so I just wanted us to generate a list of games that we play or ones that we don’t but have been played at some point. And that was a good start.” There were still a bunch of games not named, but they didn’t need them all, she just wanted to get them in that mindset. And she wasn’t going to write anything on the board. If they wanted to jot down some things in their notes, that would be fine.

“Before we move on, let’s continue talking about games in a discussion. Why do we play games? Think about the ones you like best, and ones you never want to play. What is it about those games that make it that way for you?

“And, while you are thinking about that.. a couple of the games that were mentioned are no longer played. There are actually plenty of games that were played at one point in history that are no longer played. You can take a look in your book for some others, if you are wanting to know.”
She wasn’t going to name any more as she did want to keep the discussion moving and they had plenty of other things to get to. “Why do you think some games become outdated while others stand the test of time? Many of the games that we play today were invented years ago… why are they still popular while others die out?” Just a little food for thought before they moved on.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________

______________________don't you worry I'll be fine
_________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
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