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Old 07-01-2015, 06:04 AM   #20 (permalink)

Pygmy Puff
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Posts: 18,082

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoenix Marchbanks
Fourth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Wiley Whittebrook
Second Year

x12 x5
Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
"NO cobwebs,'' he said loudly and unnecessarily to announce his presence. "Phew! That's a relief because I don't think you'd like to see me covered in them again, Professor. Hello, by the way.'' A nice bright smile for the nice lady who had helped mend things between him and Benny. He loved her for it. ''Do you need help?

After making sure that Glendower didn't need help and taking in the covered things and brooms, the Hufflepuff did a shuffle as he hummed a tune of his own as he went to find a seat.
Nessa had the room nearly tidy enough for class to begin and just in time too, for her students were now arriving. She looked up sharply from the window she was cleaning with her wand as she heard a loud voice from the doorway. "Oh, hello, Adi!" Oops, had she missed his entrance while she as cleaning. She felt kind of bad that she hadn't been paying attention. "Yes.. this room had quite a few of them earlier, unfortunately. But thankfully I had gotten here early enough to take care of them all before class started." She might be alright with clutter, as evidenced by her office, but she could not handle filth, and cobwebs ranked right up there. At his offer of assistance, Nessa took a quick look around. She had cleaned most of the room, but she wasn't one to turn down help. "Oh, sure, why don't you - " Oh, oops, he was sitting. That was fine, she was almost finished anyway. He could mentally prepare himself for class.

Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Great...just great. After the second attempt failed , the sixth year gave up and just hurried to the right door. Stepping inside, it was good to see that it was cleaner inside. With one final sneeze, "Achoo," he gathered himself and looked around. "Hello Professor" he greeted with a soft smile. Glendower did deserve some respect and thanks to her help in getting him and Adi to understand each other.

Speaking of which...

"Hey Adi," he greeted, heading towards the Hufflepuff.
"Hello, Benjamin," she greeted the boy, her smile faltering a bit as he entered. "You aren't falling ill, are you?" A quick trip to the healer would fix him up if that were the case. And her smile brightened considerably to see him choose a seat next to Adi. It was good to see that their friendship was on the mend.

Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy View Post
Hady had managed not to sneeze from all the dust but that didn't keep her from coughing quietly into the crook of her elbow. Frowning slightly she made her way into the room very much glad to see it was clean. Awesome job tidying up Professor! Dropping her arm from her face she inhaled a breath of fresh and looked around the room. "Hello Professor," she greeted warmly making way for her usual desk giving Adi and slight nod of her head in greeting as she passed him.
Nessa smiled brightly at the next student to enter. "Hello, Hady. Hope you're doing well today."

Originally Posted by griffin View Post
Where had all of these cobwebs come from? And where had all of the spiders that made the webs come from? She had seen a few house elves cleaning around the castle, so perhaps the problem was not the house elves, but more spiders than usual. If this was true, where did all of the spiders come from? Entering the classroom, Penelope noticed that the classroom was just as dusty and covered in cobwebs as the corridor. "Hello Professor Glendower!" She noticed something moving near the corner of her eye. It was just a loose strand of hair... Or was it? There was something moving on her hair. Penelope pulled the section of hair in question to the front of her face and found herself staring at a spider. How did that get there? "There's a spider in my hair." There was a SPIDER IN HER HAIR! Not that she was scared of spiders or anything like that. Penelope just stood there staring at the spider that was crawling on her hair. It was sort of interesting to watch, but that did not mean that it could stay in her hair. How was she supposed to get it off of her?
Nessa was all finished cleaning the classroom now so that she could just focus on student entrances before they'd begin and the next to arrive was Penelope. "Hello, dear," she smiled at the Ravenclaw, soon giving her a curious look as she did not immediately look for a seat and instead examined a lock of her hair. "Is everything alright?" A what in her hair? Oh, ew. Nessa was not big into bugs and she'd probably just freak if there was a spider in her hair. "You should probably, um.. Do you need some help?" Maybe use a quill or her wand to lift the spider and let it out the window or something.

Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post
He took out his wand, pointed it at the soles of his shoes and after opening the door proceeded to gliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide in. He'd used a spell to make his shoes slippery so that he could more or less ice skate in, which upon hearing the music Glendower was humming he choreographed accordingly. "Nice tune, Professor. Kinda ja...!" He abruptly hit his thigh against the back of his desk chair and stopped. "Jazzy." He finished with a smile.
Oh, delightful! Nessa still had that fun little song in her head as she milled about the room making sure everything was in place when Cutty slid in through the door. And she knew she wasn't imagining that he was sliding in the same rhythm as her song. She offered him a bit of applause, though her smile faltered slightly as he hit his leg on one of the desks. "Oh, are you alright?" Yes, he was smiling so she was sure he was fine. "It is a fun little song, isn't it?" She rather enjoyed it herself.

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
He DID notice the lack of cobwebs on the sign however, even as unobservant as he usually was. As a result, Toby poked his head curiously inside the room before stepping inside properly, trying to scout out if the inside of the room was as clean as... the sign. Soooooo... that could probably count as his ENTRANCE, right? Because for a moment Toby totally forgot about making a proper entrance, and so had to belated tack on some dramatic JAZZ HANDS as he went over to his usual seat by the window.

"Hey, Professor Glendower," the Hufflepuff said as he took his seat and started setting up. Then he noticed what looked like broom handles propped up at the front of the room, and instantly began craning his neck to get a proper look and see if they were the FLYING kind of broom? Would they be flying? Pleeeeease? WAS IT THAT KIND OF BROOM? HE COULDN'T TELL.
Nessa wiggled her fingers in a fancy sort of wave in response to Toby's jazz handed entrance, giving him a bright smile as he took his seat. "Hi, Toby." Ooh, so her lesson's supplies caught his attention.. she thought he might have fun with those.

Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
This time for her entrance, Lux decided to do a moonwalk. She was pretty good at it if she said so herself. Hehe. "Hello, Professor Glendower. I hope you are well." About to ask if the woman needed any help, she noticed that most of the tidying up seemed to be done already. She did wonder what was in the boxes as she waved to her friends and took a seat near the front of the class.
What a lovely, creative entrance! Lux was rewarded with applause and a bright smile. "Hello, Lux! I am doing well, thank you for asking. I hope you can say the same."

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRR!!!" Angel screamed, running towards the History of Magic Classroom, yeah it would be safe in their right.

Angel suddenly saw Benny and went and hid behind him, peaking up she noticed the Professor. "Hi Professor, hope your well." Angel had to remember to be polite but after that, she went and hid behind her boyfriend, peeking around him every so often.
Oh, goodness! Nessa's hand went straight to her heart as a scream from the hall scared the dickens out of her. She started towards the door to see just what on earth was going on when Angel rushed inside, acting like her normal self. OH! It was her entrance, how creative! "Hello, Angel," she laughed a bit. "I'm doing fine now, thanks for asking."

Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
So strutting was happening. "Heeeeey, Professor Glendower," he said, shooting her a small smile and a nod of his head. Glendower was nice and always seemed to find a way to make her lessons interesting, even if it was at the expense of embarrassing them at the same time. But interesting. A bit like those brooms over there. Grayson shot a curious look in that direction as he made his way towards a seat. Here's hoping that they weren't gonna be made to clean up the classroom because how freaking boring would that be?

Once seated, he looked away from the brooms to wink over at Cutty, whom he decided to sit next to. 'Sup, Mordaunt.
Teenagers were so adorable, weren't they? Nessa beamed as Grayson walked in like he was something out of the musical one of her brothers was named after. It reminded her to send him an owl later, his birthday was coming up. "Hello, Grayson. Hope you're doing well today." He looked it anyway.

Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
POP! The gum remnants were all over her face, and she stood up and ran to the classroom. Looking inside with wild eyes, she noticed her sister was hiding behind Benny. "Wha--" A scream like that meant certain death. AJ was sure of it. As it turns out her sister was just being a diva about something. Figures. She rolled her eyes and tucked the wand she didn't remember taking out from her back pocket back into it's rightful place.

"Hey Ben. Hey Adi," she said as she pawed at the gum pieces stuck to her face. Oh erm... she was supposed to make an entrance. She swallowed her gum, bit her bottom lip and bowed. "Hello professor... lovely broom you have." Ahem.
Nessa looked at Aubrey curiously. Just what was on the girl's face? She wasn't completely sure if it was part of her entrance or what was going on, so she didn't comment. Instead, she bowed in return and gave her a pleasant smile. "Hello, Aubrey. Why, thank you? I think they'll come in quite handy later today..."

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
So he settled with a lame walking in backwards. He'd think of something better for the next time. Maybe he could attempt the juggling trick again? And this time not drop all the books? It was worth a shot. He'd have to try it out next time. It was decided.

"Hello, Professor!" He wasn't going to comment on the cobwebs. She probably couldn't get rid of them either. Ahem. Then he slowly made his way over near Grayson and Cutty to take a seat near them. Hi Slytherin friends.
Oooh, backwards walking.. that was almost a moonwalk! Zander got a beamy smile as he approached. "Hello, Zander! Hope you are doing well today."

Originally Posted by DinosaursOnASpaceship View Post
With a big smile on her face she walked into the History of Magic classroom. She was still happy about finally being seventeen but she was also pretty scared about it! She was considered an adult in the Wizarding World and could apparate and stuff! How was that not awesome? "Good Afternoon Professor Glendower." She said with a smile and a wave. "How are you today?" The Sixth year asked as she took a seat in the front row. Emmylou looked around the classroom to see who was here. As she looked around she also saw cobwebs. She was in such a good mood that not even a dusty cobweb filled room could bring her down. She sent a small wave over to Lux and a wave and a "Hello." to PREFECT Zander.
"Good afternoon, Emmylou," Nessa returned the girls smile and wave. "I'm doing quite well, thank you for asking." She did appreciate such polite manners. "I hope you can say the same."

Originally Posted by Symphora View Post
Henric had a new hairdo today, it had been cut short to a point whereby he didn't have to put hairgel anymore. His hair colour had changed to even more darker brown now.He wondered if anyone he knew noticed the changes he made to his appearance. And when he walked up to the History of Magic classroom, he couldn't help notice the cobwebs hanging everywhere around him. It was like a spider's nest in here. He swept away the cobwebs attached to his clothes and greeted the professor.
"Hello professor, nice to see you again,its a little dusty in here,I can help with the cleaning if you want after class,"he smiled.He then headed to his usual seat at the back. He spotted Adi...and Benny...they seemed to make up already. He didn't say anything towards them and just sat a few seats away from the bestfriends. He didn't want Benny to think he was stealing his bestfriend away again. He quietly took out his parchment and waited for the class to start.
Nessa smiled as the next student came into the room. "Hello, Henric. Nice to see you as well." Then her smile faltered a bit. Dusty? But she had gotten here early and had been cleaning since before students arrived. She thought she had done a decent enough job, but perhaps he spotted something that she had missed. "Thank you dear, I could always use help putting supplies away after class, if you don't mind." And if he didn't have another class to get to right away.

Originally Posted by VRSCIKA View Post
Ilia filed into class amongst her fellow students, still scanning the ground everywhere she walked. She was still hoping to randomly find her toad daughter somewhere. From the moment Henric told her, she had not stopped hoping or looking. She paused in her search long enough to look up at the professor with a faint smile. " Hello professor. "
Nessa smiled brightly as the next student quietly slipped into the room. "Hello, dear."

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
"Hello Professor Glendower", Janelle said cheerfully. She wanted to ask what was up with the cobwebs, but she kept it to herself. Finding a seat, the second year got her things ready and waited for class to begin.
"Hello, Janelle," Nessa smiled brightly as the girl made her way inside the classroom and found a seat. She gave an approving nod seeing her get her things out in preparation for class to begin.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Walking through the door, Kate glanced up toward the professor. "Hello, Professor," she said, giving the lady a smile. There were boxes and brooms around the room, but Kate guessed she would figure out why in just a little bit. She took a seat and waited for the lesson to get underway.
"Hello, Kate." Nessa gave the young Ravenclaw a bright smile in return. It appeared that her supply box caught her attention too, but they would get to that soon enough.

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Make an entrance? While she was sneezing and dying? It was hard to focus enough on the task at hand, finding a seat and breathing and walking at the same time, let alone putting on a show. Dot tugged her tie up around her nose and curtsied politely for the professor's benefit.


"G'day, Professor." She looked for a desk that was as clean and bright as possible. Erm... why were they stuck up in the dirty bit of the school?
Oh dear. Was there a cold or something going around? First Benjamin and now Charlotte. Is that why the girl had her nose covered so as to not spread germs? That was hygienic and thoughtful. "Hello, dear. I hope you're not feeling too bad today." It was good that she still tried to come to class.

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
Eden had never seen so many cobwebs in HER LIFE...not EVEN at those fake haunted houses during Halloween. Merlin. That was gross...Eden wanted if she should try to scourgify some of them as she walked in--but she just slipped into the classroom and took a seat...she was never one to make a huge entrance, anyways.

"Good day, Professor--" she said softly as she flipped through her notebook to a fresh page for today's note taking.
Brown eyes soon found another student to slip in quietly to the classroom, and Nessa gave her a smile. "Good day, Eden."

Okay, good, it was about time to begin and she took to the front of the room. "Good day class! First, I must apologize for the cobwebs on the way into the room. I'm not sure what's going on there... Luckily I was early enough here today to clean up the classroom before you all arrived, so at least we have a clean room to hold our lesson." The state of this whole floor was a little ridiculous and she wasn't sure if she somehow annoyed the elves that they didn't want to clean her little area of the castle or what. Perhaps she could make amends, though she knew of at least a couple other areas that weren't cobweb-free either.

And even though her class announcement did ask students to wear comfortable clothes for today, that still didn't make it okay to get dirty while they were getting some History of Magic edutainment. Pushing those thoughts aside, she focused on her lesson for the day. "I was hoping to have a light-hearted fun lesson today.. and I think a great topic for that would be games. We are going to talk about games throughout history. Let's start by naming some games, favorite or not. Please try not to repeat anything as there are plenty of games. Or mention something about one other than just the name if someone took your answer."
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________

______________________don't you worry I'll be fine
_________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
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