So after stunning the Muggles they were brought into the Hog's Head....
Originally Posted by
Saul Bunyons
Saul did his best to not draw too much attention to himself or the unconscious person he was levitating. Not that he was doing anything wrong, he thought, but he was trying not to cause any more of a panic there had already been. And so he went around the back of The Hog's Head and used the back door to allow himself entrance so as not to be seen by any of the patrons.
He left the door open for the others sure to follow him and he gently lowered the person to the floor. Once they were all contained back here, they could alert the authorities and it would no longer be their problem. And they could figure out if the charms were faulty or not.
Originally Posted by
Harold Lagerty
Helping to pull one of the other muggles into the back door Hops set the man down nicely, but kept hold of his phone. He moved it around looking at it. "This will have to go to the ministry as well. Looks like they got quite a few pictures." Those would have to be deleted. He expected the ministry would be here soon.
"Wonder where Huxley is. Might have to go find him so he knows we're back here." He looked around as the other two muggles were brought in. "Think you can keep an eye on everyone here. I'd like for you guys to hand out here with us until the Ministry got here. We are all going to have to say what happened most likely. Why don't I go get everyone some drinks." He hoped there was some pumpkin juice or butterbeer around.
........and now Accidents and Catastrophes is