Potions Homework 2- Post 1 & Astronomy Homework 2 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
It was about ten minutes before the designated time to add the next ingredient to his potion and exactly seven days after the first steps had been completed. Adi happily paused before the entrance of the Potions lab to polish off his scone. He wiped his fingers on a napkin, stashed it in his pocket then shuffled into the lab. He grabbed the safety gear as he made his way to his potion. He checked on Benny’s, ensuring that the flame had not gone out. All was good with the bestie’s potion!
On to his own! The flame here was on too and now he needed to add the Jobberknoll feathers. Adi counted out seven of those before going to stand guard by his cauldron. He kept a sharp eye on the seconds as they ticked on, until… the time was HEREEE!
In went the Jobberknoll feathers! All of them! Now he just waited another seven days.
Safety stuff on? CHECK!
Adi bounded over to check on his own potion’s flame, leaving Benny to do whatever it was Dragons needed to do before entering Potion labs. Hehe. The boy kidded. Benny needed safety thing-a-ma-bobs like him. Anywhooo, his potion seemed to be in order. He still had another five days to go before the next steps were to be done. “While you add your Jobberknoll feathers, I’ll let you hear my ode that I made for Pebbles. Feel free to laugh at me anytime because I wasn’t at my most creative when I came up with this.’’ Maybe he had been sleepy. Or had it been hungry? Oh, well. While Benny got his feathers, Adi pulled out the slip of parchment he had written the ode on. “Oh, remember you have to add those feathers at the exact time I had written down.’’ His bestie’s potion was not going to be a failure again though the fact that sneezing, cookie eating Professors were not around.
Annnnnnd here went his ode! Did we mention he was singing this in a new melody he had come up with as well as doing some actions with this? Adi was being pretty creative over here to make up for what he had written. Mhmmmmmm. And he did stay clear of all the cauldrons and stuff. Yep, he planted himself in a nice free space so he wouldn’t cause any accidents. ”You always lit him up like the Sun and
There can never be another pet rock like you for The Suit.”
Cue his hands making a HUGEEE circle to represent the sun’s brightness! “He must feel like he fell through a black hole stretched like a strand of spaghetti,
Or suffocating from the lack of oxygen like an Astronaut in space without a spacesuit.’’
Adi grabbed a random bowl from one of the stashes that were meant for student use and upturned it over his head. This was his helmet of his ‘suit’. Now, he made some gasping sounds.
“You vanished like the New Moon, no one can see you,
Why couldn’t you have been gone for just twenty nine point five days?”
Flipping off the bowl, he tossed it back towards the stash but it fell to the ground. Oops! No time to pick that up. The show must go on! There was a Dragon counting on that! So, Adi pressed his hands lightly over his glasses, signifying no one could see Pebbles. “Show us that half smile of yours,
Do you know it looks like the pretty Waxing or Waning Moon?”
Instead of his usual, big grin, he smiled half of that since the Waxing or Waning Moon was half.
“Or that your pupils radiate the darkness of a New Mon?
Your sclera shine bright as the full moon.’’
Adi widened his eyes as big as he could. Hehe. He must look hilarious. “So come back home, Pebbles,
Don’t let The Suit become a Brown Dwarf.’’
He tugged on a REALLY sad face. Brown Dwarves were not nice. “His students need him to be the Next Big Bang Theory,
Explosive and energetic!’’
For these last lines, the Hufflepuff leapt onto a free table, much like Flamsteed was known for. Buuuuut! He was all done and he grinned down at Benny and bowed. “How did I do?’’ he asked, now jumping down from the table and bending to grab the bowl to return it to the stash. That had been FUUUUUN! Now, WHERE WAS HIS APPLAUSE?