Text Cut: Brian!
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Brian nodded. He knew exactly which one she was talking about, and his journal was sitting on his bedside table down in the dorms. Pretty much untouched, but he wouldn't tell her that. "That's understandable. Most people find the trolls here a little off-putting, but I think they're cute." Reminded him of Timmy, just a little. The pudgy creatures dancing around in tutus? Absolutely adorable.
"I haven't the foggiest, but I imagine it's something along the lines of people buried in books and peering over your glasses at people. Maybe the occasional chemistry pun if you're feeling particularly social." He was just joking, really, but there was some truth to it. Besides, that was pretty much what he'd been told about Ravenclaws, but he'd keep a flexible mindset just in case it was proven false. "What do you lot actually do up there? I've heard you have your own mini-library."
"If you insist," he said, still looking a little bit sheepish. Best to look where he was going next time, especially now that he knew that Ravenclaws needed to escape their common room and this was pretty near it. "Second. I think we are in the same year? I've seen you in lessons." He just opted not to answer in most classes because he had a tendency to forget about reading up on the subject matter before class. A habit he should probably break, because he spent most of the lesson periods being incredibly confused.
Kate cast a quick glance in the direction of the trolls.
"I find the trolls a little off-putting," she remarked.
"To be honest, before you walked up, I was just thinking to myself how this is the ugliest tapestry I've ever seen." Truth. She had no idea why it was even here, in a historical school like Hogwarts. Was there some significance to it, or did somebody just assume people would like the looks of it. She laughed it off, though, and turned back to Brian.
Still giving a light laugh, Kate said,
"Boy, you really take those house traits seriously, don't you?" She shook her head.
"I don't think Ravenclaws actually like homework and studying. Not as a hobby or anything like that, I mean. I think it's more of the fact that when we have to think things through, we take a more logical approach." Or that's how it seemed to her. There may actually be Ravenclaws out there who enjoyed all their classes enough to make them into a hobby, but not Kate.
"People only bury themselves in books when they have to for class, and we actually do fun things like hold parties. If there is a mini-library, I haven't seen it yet." She remembered there being a party on the first night she was here when she was a brand new first year.
"So what are things like in the Hufflepuff Common Room?"
Kate nodded.
"I'm a second year, too. Oddly enough, I haven't met many other second years. Have you?" she responded. Maybe Hufflepuff had more second years than Ravenclaw did, because Kate sometimes felt like she was the only thirteen-year-old Claw out there.