OOC: OKAY, here are the directions of Moxley and Tanner’s
Angry Birds-esque game! 1. The class will be split into TWO teams:
Ravenpuff and
Slytherdor! ( Ravenpuff team will be in charge of slingshot on
right side of the classroom and
aiming for structure on the opposing team’s side . Slytherdor in charge of slingshot on
left side of classroom and will be
aiming for structure on opposing team’s side)
2. Each team will work together to load balls (soft dodge ball-like balls) onto slingshots and aim them at the opposing team’s structure, which is located directly behind where the opposing team’s slingshots are. On each structure are
colorful cardboard cutouts of phones and it is your job to work together to knock those over.
Whoever has knocked down the most targets by the end of class will win. 3. The posts for a team have to alternate between “loading posts” and “launching posts.”
Please label posts with Launching or Loading and your Team. Your aim is for
your team to post in succession so that you can get a hit! Example: SLYTHERDOR load post, SLYTHERDOR launch post =
SLYTHERDOR load post, RAVENPUFF load post, SLYTHERDOR launch post =
MISS! If someone posts at the same time as you, you’re allowed to utilize the EDIT button! Em and I understand that this happens so no worries! Remember, you
cannot score if you don’t have two posts by the same team in a row!
4. Please keep in mind that when you’re sending your dodge balls over towards the other team’s structure, the other team might be in your way and act as human obstacles! The balls are soft, so NO SERIOUS INJURIES SHOULD OCCUR!
5. Any questions can be PMed to us and we’ll get back to you A.S.A.P.