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Old 06-28-2015, 12:17 AM   #107 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Default COMC HW#1 - Post 6
C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby

He noticed the last time he'd bathed Phlegon that his claws, both the front and the hind claws were looking a bit...shabby. Or at least longer than they probably would be if the griffin were in nature and permitted to fly around, hunt, climb rocks and perch where it may. It was time for a MAN-incure.

"Phlegon?" He called for the creature. "Phle...", he then paused. Something hanging from the wall caught his attention and he made a distracted beeline for it. "Sweet Circe." He muttered underneath his breath as his eyes caught a glance at the pinky glitter apron and glove set. As if mandated by unseen forces, Cutty unhooked the apron and put it on. He didn't immediately remember that they belonged to the Creatures Professor. He just couldn't help it and put them on. That's what he got for not having lunch and a dosage of his Whimaway before visiting with his griffin.

The sparkly snake made himself visible to the wee baby griffin of his and stood there whilst the creature made its way over to him. Distraction, however. The reflective glitters bounced the light onto the ground and the walls nearby making the griffin react as if water and fish were nearby pouncing and nipping at the reflections of light.

Cutty took advantage of Phlegon amusing himself and went for the supplies again, this time taking out a bottle of Hoof 'n Groom foot treatment oil and a fine grade crystal file, which he sanitized thoroughly. "Scourgify, scourgify, scourgify!"

Phlegon threw himself into Cutty's legs with a soft bumping motion and Cutty knelt down toward the creature, lifting him onto his lap. He had a captive audience as he took the cleansed nail file to Phlegz front claws. "It feels like it's been ages, joost A-gess since I've seen yer last. Yew've gooot to stop hidin' out like this. Get out there and see the wehld. I'm gonna see the wehld, Phelgz. Graduate, see the wehld, get married and buy a house. I was thinkin' Yorkshire, booht maybe I'll do the southeast part of the country. It's all part of me 5-year plan. Oh! Did I tell yer about me 5-year plan? Yer ought to get one! Handy things they are. Lays it all right in front of yer so yer get all yer goals done." This gossip-like chatter came straight from the Liverpool beauty salon his mother used to take him to when he'd been on holiday with her. And they filled the gap as he filed claw by claw of the baby griffin's front set.

He lifted the back paw and although they were in better shape than the front eagly-like claws, he filed away at them as well, claw by claw whilst talking up a storm and going on and on about the currently political state of the wizarding world. "Now Lucia seems like a charming witch, booht I don't know about her husband. Sure, nothing severe has gone off LAATELY, booht I still think a year into office is too soon ter tell a THING."

Once the filing had been complete, Cutty threw the file behind his pink glittered shoulder and picked up the bottle of oil. Dipping the brush that it had come with he swiped it across the front of each of Phlegon's feet and began to massage it in. Now they'd grow out strong and there would be less chance of snagging and ripping and thus bleeding. He closed off the bottle of oil and returned the materials to supply storage. He turned to leave the creature housing, but spun around on his heels as he remembered to remove the pink sparkly apron and return it to the rack on which he found it.
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