Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Zhenya listened to all of the other responses, and Professor Moxley's responses. She was glad her answer wasn't just silly, it somewhat fit in with the cellular phones. Zhenya didn't really understand what Professor Moxley was saying about what cells actually were in relation to the phones, so she wrote down a dot point so that she knew to come back later to study it. And was that Adi's laugh she heard? Zhenya turned to look at him, wondering who he was laughing at. Was it her? Why was he laughing at her? She pretended to give him evil eyes, but the smile gave away her seriousness.
Once Professor Moxley had finished responding to everyone, she explained how the voice travels through the cell phones. Zhenya was mighty impressed by the way the muggles created new bits and pieces to communicate. Zhenya knew there must have been loads of negative impacts from using the cellular phones, especially if it converted your voice, travelled through cell towers, and off to its destination. She listened to other responses.
And suddenly there was a pop; Tinka. What was Tinka doing here? Something to do with AJ? But the house elf disappeared again moments later. Right.
Zhenya raised her hand, "Professor, you said that your voice gets converted to something," she looked down at her notes, "An RF wave, and it travels to the tower, then on to the person. It doesn't sound very secure. Could people's communication get intercepted and recorded my the muggle Ministry?" She knew that sometimes the Ministry intercepted Owls and the Floo network, so surely it was similar? Only you wouldn't know if someone was just listening to your conversation. How creepy...
__________________ EVASIVE | RESTLESS | MISUNDERSTOOD always on the move |