Cutty was looking down upon his parchment taking notes on how Toby had gotten something right but his answer was way better. Also, there was something in there about how cell phones work on muggle incantations and voice power. That was really sort of fascinating.
Then the question was happening. "
Using only a sell phone as yer main source of communication would be severely limiting. And if there were a time where yer couldn't answer yer phone all yer friends and family might be worried because they'd know that as yer only means of communication yew ought have the phone on yer and answer it regularly." The social repercussions included, but also extended beyond what Caleb had said. Also, if you'd have to come up with a story to tell one girl whilst you were with the other. No good. Cutty would take owls, two-way mirrors, protean charms and fire chats anyday.
Originally Posted by
Tinka POP!
The little elf appeared suddenly in the back of the arithmancy classroom, shaking her head and flapping her ears. "
Tinka brought, Missus Professor Tanner." But look, the Muggle Studies woman was here and talking. Tinka must be veeeery quiiiiet.
Silently she made her way through the rows of desks and found the girl she sought. "
Psssst, special delivery for miss," she whispered to
AJ Valentine, setting
the plate on the desk. "
Enjoy, miss!"
And before the girl could say anything, the little elf disappeared with another POP!
I wouldn't eat those if I were yew, AJ. Might be jinxed or poisoned." He said turning toward his class mate. It was just suspicious. Suspicious tacos turning up in the middle of classtime. "
Don't let her eat them, Adi." Cutty gripped the hilt of his wand and turned it on the soft shelled intruders. "
SpeRevelio." He casted at them as the room began to smell like a delicious food truck.