Chalkboard Notes, from Herbology Lesson 1 Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB MANDRAKES- also called Autumn or Mediterranean Mandrake
- perennials
- branched roots, which appear humanoid in appearance
- must mature before harvesting for use
- mundane: used by Muggles to make patients unconscious (anesthetic)
- mundane: highly poisonous when eaten (alkaloids)
- mundane: tufty, with purpleish greenish leaves
- mundane: related to the potato
- mundane: five-petaled flowers
- mundane: globe-shaped berries
- mundane: berries turn yellow-orange when ripe (in autumn)
- magical: cries of fully-grown mandrakes can kill an adult human
- magical: roots of immature mandrakes look (and scream) like crazy, mad little babies
- magical: cries of baby mandrakes can cause temporary unconsciousness
- magical: behaviors match the growth and development of a human's; mandrakes experience childhood, puberty (acne), adolescence ("hormonal" without having hormones), and adulthood similarly to wizards
- magical: mandrakes are known to be mature when they start trying to move into each other's pots
- magical: plants will move/quiver and shake when the mandrakes are ready to be harvested
- magical: adult mandrakes, when removed from a pot, will make eye contact and then start yelling (not crying like baby mandrakes)
- magical: require repotting as they grow
- magical: they WILL bite appendages off if you stick them in a mandrake's mouth
- magical: favorite food of both dugbogs and flesh-eating slugs
- magical: leaves can be used in antidotes
- magical: used to make the Restorative Draught
- magical: most famous use was during the Hogwarts basilisk attack of 1992
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Last edited by BanaBatGirl; 08-04-2015 at 04:16 PM.
Reason: updated after second lesson!