Gabriel was obvious to any unusual happenings; mind more focused on refilling his pumpkin pastie supply and meeting with friends. The Ravenclaw had long since come to terms with the insanity that was the magical world, even though he'd been raised in it.
It was always something. Even when it wasn't anything.
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Well, okay, maybe Cosgrach should have been much more visible as he approached, even though he didn't even approach her secretly.
Well, she might be willing to shout it to the world that she was up to something, but he whispered back "Not at all." Sorry Lux, but she really wasn't the -
Wait, muggles?
The mere idea was so absurd that he didn't even turn to check. Must be someone's prank. Boring, to be honest.
"C'mon now, Lux," he said, "there are no such thing as muggles on Hogsmeade." Just so she knew.
He was surprised she fell for such a silly joke, to be honest.
Before he could enter any shops, however, he caught sight of Professor Culloden (standing with Lux Carrington, but that wasn't too terrible). Culloden just so happened to be one of his favorites, as everyone knew. So, the previous intentions were forgotten as he approached the older man.
"Professor." There might've been some smiling. Gabes could smile. New development. And so he wasn't being rude...
"Lux." Pause.
"How are you both doing?"