Text Cut: Flamsteed!
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Taking a moment to regain his composure - it was HARD out running all those spunky little furry students - he took a moment to remove his lint roller from his enchanted breast pocket and tended to his suit.
And then he heard a growl.
Turning his head, the professor spotted yet another student turned pseudo-werewolf...and all he had in his hand was a lint roller. Which, by the way, he forgot was a lint roller, and thrust it towards the Ravenclaw. "MANUS INVISIBILIS!"
Of course NOTHING happened. It was a lint roller for Merlin's sake.
Realizing his mistake, Airey fumbled with his pocket again until he found his found wand. Ahem. No one had seen that....had they? Ahem.
Sweet solstice why was this wand movement so complicated?!
It was him Kate was so angry at! She couldn't even focus on how awesome his lesson had been at the beginning of the class. All she could focus on was the fact that he looked like he wanted to attack her rather than help her. Some professor he was! She was covered in fur and plagued by these confusing feelings of anger, and all he wanted to do was attack her?!
Kate advanced on him, planning to attack him before he had a chance to follow through with his plans of attacking her. Just as she reached out to touch him, though, she saw a large object thrusted toward her, and she dodged to the left. He would not cast on her with a wa--... With a lint roller?
Deep down inside, Kate found that funny, and she was so caught up with her deep, werewolf-type laughter that she missed him taking out an actual wand.
"RAWR--HAHAHA!" Werekate laughed. Then BAM! His spell hit her, and she just stopped right where she was and could no longer move. She let out a half-grown, half-howl as she began to accept defeat.