Charms HM#2 - Post 1 Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Okay, so there was something about homework at Hogwarts that everyone should know. It was much more fun than homework for a normal school. Mostly, because well, y’know. MAGIC was involved, but seriously, it was just better in general.
Like Charms. For their homework, they had to “take over” the Castle. HOW COOL WAS THAT?
Hehehe. Skipping out of the common room, on her way to take over a few walls or floors or … well, where-ever for Gryffindor, she stopped beside the portrait door as it closed. ”Hi Ms… So, for our Charms homework, we get to take over some walls in the colour of our house… and I was thinking, since you are our entrance that you would be okay with being on a red wall for a while? Or maybe surrounded with a red glow or some form?”
Marsha wasn’t really sure how far she could get the charm to spread, but she knew that she was getting better at it every time she attempted it.
When she received no quarrel from the portrait she gave her, her thanks and with a huge beam on her face said, ”COLOVARIA!” while pointing her wand at the wall directly beside and around the portrait hole. The red spread out wards and although it didn’t fill the whole wall (or anywhere near it), it looked like her portrait had been placed in the middle of a Gryffindor rosette… which the Welsh girl thought was rather cool.
Happy with her first section, she moved on.
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